It is nonsense to you because you don’t want to give sense just like it is said “beauty is in the mind of the beholder.” Try this as though you are hearing for the first time, and see whether it would make any difference.
No one likes to live in a fragmented way which means we like to feel complete, or whole. Somehow, we sense that complete whole is more complete than just the sum of its parts. Interestingly, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines holistic in much the same way: “The view that an organic or integrated whole has a reality independent of and greater than the sum of its parts.” This is true because I know that I am more than a sum of oxygen (65%), carbon (17.5%), hydrogen (10.2%), nitrogen (2.4%), calcium (1.6%), and phosphorus (which makes almost 99% of the mass of the human body) and potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium …. etc (which makes the rest of the body). It is too obvious that there is an invisible axis that hold them together and that make me feel I am constitutionally whole, because of which I know that I am not this body, this mind, this intelligence; but I am a spiritual dimension. No wonder Yoshinori Ohsumi, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, said in his acceptance lecture in December 2016: “Life is an equilibrium state between synthesis and degradation of proteins.” In similar vein, French physiologist, Claude Bernard, wrote: “Stability of internal environment (in the body) is the condition for free and independent life.” Words such as equilibrium, synthesis, stability… point to something other than physical, higher energy. When it enters, body starts functioning, and when it exits body stops functioning. Leaving this most important aspect is like taking care of bird-cage and neglecting the bird.
What is true of my body which is like a universe in miniature is true of the macro universe. Certain things are too obvious that we don’t insist for proof. When we hear “no mountain is possible without valley” we don’t ask for proofs. His non-intervention and non-communication show that He is not interested in our praise/worship, and He has left maintenance to humans because they are capable of doing it if they want. Look, already some parts of earth are paradise, and some countries are doing without war which means humans can make the whole earth paradise again, if they want.