Many people point to the irrationality in the depiction of God by the religions and their scriptures, hence jump into the bottomless pit of atheism. In either camp, God is not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents God, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without God). It is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong; or it is like saying mathematics itself is wrong because you found out your mathematics teacher made a mistake. Mathematics exists whether mathematics teachers understand it or not. (Psalm 19:1-3)
Posts by venus
If mathematics teacher made a mistake, would it mean mathematics itself is wrong!
by venus inmany people point to the irrationality in the depiction of god by the religions and their scriptures, hence jump into the bottomless pit of atheism.
in either camp, god is not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents god, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without god).
it is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong; or it is like saying mathematics itself is wrong because you found out your mathematics teacher made a mistake.
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
Also, your language suggests that you belong to stone Ages. Will a civilized man use words such as “fuck off“ to a peace-loving lady? It is better you have come in contact with ladies like me. A study of over 700 people in the UK, France and Spain concluded that atheists and agnostics think of themselves as more open-minded than those of a religious bent, but are actually less tolerant to differing opinions and ideas. Religious believers “seem to better perceive and integrate diverging perspectives“, according to psychology researchers at the private Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium's largest French-speaking university.
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
If "they lie about their membership", why are they here? Whom are they benefiting--neither them nor others? Doing something for no benefit?
What are you talking? Cofty.
Op is all about Bible, and where are you taking the subject?
When I am talking about honey, you mean to say I am talking about bitterness?
I really thought your comments came under my OP by mistake!?
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
This is my experience:
In the material world of physics, every action results in an equal and opposite reaction.
In the realm of spiritual physics, every violent act I inflict on another living being (even through negative thinking) results in my bounding act of inner violence I inflict on myself.
In other words, when I think negatively about others, I am hurting myself, like the fist that holds fire burns itself.
Conversely, when I think positively about others, I am nourishing myself which in turn would fortify my immunity.
What is the benifits to living forever?
by Jayk incan anyone give me a valid reason for it?
growing old is a drag.
the witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a bs answer..
Cold Steel, & Jayak,
Sometimes we need to discern things out! If we see cultivation on one side of the road and barren land on the other side, we rightly conclude that it takes someone to plant seeds on other side too whether we have personally observed sowing or not.
Similarly, when we see earth is filled with various forms of life and also is fine-tuned for life and rest of the universe is barren, we conclude that it takes the same Creator to plant seeds of life in rest of the universe and to fine-tune them for life. No fine-tuning is possible without a Creator just like no mountain is possible without valley. Thus the rest of the barren universe silently teaches that life exists on earth because someone planted it there, and life doesn't exist in the rest of the universe because that someone did not plant life there. Thus vast universe argues against materialism. In other words, when I see various forms of life on earth, it instill in me a awe towards God. And when I see no forms of life in the rest of the universe, it instill in me even more awe towards Him.
God is not the creator
by venus inevery theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
You are wondering about how "mentally ill people, psychopaths, masochist, sadists" know what is right and wrong.
Let us leave out those who are mentally ill as they can recover from illness after treatment.
But sadists, criminals, terrorists ...all know that is right and wrong. You give them same treatment they give us--they would resist which shows they know what is wrong.
Suppose you saw purse belonging to a sadist (or criminal, terrorist ..), and they are not aware of it. You picked it up and drove after them and returned the purse containing money. They would appreciate with so much of joy in their face and would thank you and would even help you in return when you are in need (which means sadists, criminals, terrorists ...all know what is right). I am speaking from my personal experience. A hard-core criminal helped me in return for giving his fallen purse back to him.
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
You are right .There are few self-evident truths contained in the Bible here and there. For example, I dismiss much of the Bible as meaningless. But when I read Mathew 5:44-48 it is truth and full of benefits. Between the lines lies the commandment: “Don’t worship me, but become worship-worthy by imitating sun which is a giver (of light and warmth) and never receives anything from any body—a quality that has its source in God Himself. When you imitate qualities of sun, you become like your heavenly father.” Like sun, when I practices non-expectation from others, life is so light--whatever others do to me, I accept it without resistance.
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
Anybody is free to do what he/she likes to do (including “sexual abuse”, but nobody is free to choose its results. (Revelation 22:11; Prov 11:18) Everyone has to reap the consequence sooner or later. For example, there was a high profile rape case in Delhi two years back. In a running bus, a medical student was gang-raped and killed. Indian judicial system gave death sentence to the culprits sending a strong message [“country doesn’t want such people”] to all. Still there is no shortage to rape.
Not only God’s communication and His miracles, even death sentence by Governments on earth would not change people!
This is what OP is all about.
Bible is good if we look for implied truth
by venus inthumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward.
but if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’.
similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts.
Thumbs-up gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb standing upward. But if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive, informal signal indicating a job well done, and saying ‘keep it up.’
Similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much if we see them as mere accounts. But if we look for the implied truth, then it is a treasure. For example:
1) God warned Adam and Cain before they could act—this communication had no effect on both of them—one perfect and the other imperfect.
2) God performed great miracles over the Israelites, and Jesus too did the same—yet they had no effect on the people who simply preferred Barabbas to Jesus. Implied truth is that people would not change their course of action no matter what God communicates to them or does in favor of them. Under the force of circumstance even if they change, they would revert just like water rising upward as vapor under the heat and then reverting to liquidity again after the special circumstance ceasing to exist.
3) In Genesis 11:6, 7 we find God speaking about the ability of humans: If all humans are to speak one language, “then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
Behind the literalness of this description, an interesting implied truth is conveyed: Both God and Humans alike know that so much of wastage of energy and time can be saved which, in turn, can be diverted into productive purposes if the world reverts to one language. People would leap with joy over such a prospect—we breathe the same air, drink the same water, and speak the same language. Yet humans also know that individuals are unlikely to agree to abandon their language in favor of another. Even a mere suggestion would result in resentment and conflicts! In other words, need is appreciatively and intensely felt, but adaptation is not possible as both offset each other.
If this is the state of affairs with humans, it is pointless for God to communicate with them! This is the irony from the Bible, the so-called written communication of God that it is pointless for God to communicate with humans.
God is not the creator
by venus inevery theory (including darwin’s) primarily proves someone has to design a theory; every product primarily proves someone has to design it.
when neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon it primarily proved intelligence of many people had to design that moon-mission.. 1) if every machine primarily proves someone designed it, then a much more complex, wonderful, and living machine with reproductive feature would mean the same: someone with corresponding ability, of higher energy, designed it because effect explains the cause just like harvest explains the sowing (whether you saw sowing or not).
science shows human body is like a complex machinery with many departments/systems (such as respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular/circulatory, renal/urinary, endocrine, nervous, musculoskeletal, integumentary/exocrine, lymphatic/immune, reproductive etc.
Hi OnTheWayOut
OP points did not make much head way into your intellect because you did not approach them as though hearing it for the first time. When I shared the same with a JW, she came heavily against me as though carrying with her a Hydrogen bomb. When I told her to read it again as though hearing it for the first time, she did it—now she is convinced that JW got their teaching about soul completely wrong, and also shows by her life that she is in no need of a human spiritual feeding program as each human being is a spirit having the same qualities of God just like drop shares the qualities of an ocean.