Can anyone give me a valid reason for it? Growing old is a drag. The witnesses idea of ever lasting life, that you will come back to your most youthful state is such a BS answer.
What is the benifits to living forever?
by Jayk 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
Not dying
surely their version of purgatory
Not dying
Then what do you plan on doing? Not dying sounds great but we have no idea what happens after.. Growing old is worse than dying. So once again, what would be a benifit to living forever?
I wouldn't want to live in their idea of paradise, with ruddy Watchtower studies...can you imagine that??? We never used to perceive it like that...Watchtower has got more and more controlling with their pictures of paradise outdoor kingdom hall meetings, and talking about elders being the " princes" of the realm. How puke worthy. No princesses mind you, we were warned. Cult. Cult. Cult.
I thought female subjection was a consequence of sin. That's all out the window matey in the New world!! So there Mr. Garlic bread!!
compound complex
Hey, JayK:
Now that I'm a realist, I certainly look differently at those so-called benefits of living forever.
Having studied the cichlid (a fish) for eleven years, an ichthyologist quoted in Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? indicated there was still so much more to learn about this one fish. Why, what if he had forever to swim the seas and become acquainted with all the fishes and mammals of the oceans and rivers and lakes and creeks and . . . ?
As I already said, I'm a realist now. Get a load of what Joel Elliott has written about our former illusion of paradise:
I’ve always been skeptical of living forever...and now that I think about it, it’s definitely because I don’t think I’d want to live forever as a Jehovah’s Witness.
It’s a nice idea, for sure. No one wants to die. But then I think about how nothing would EVER have gotten done if we were all JWs because a lot of what man has accomplished is because of their own egos, general curiosity and questioning, and an interest in humanity (perhaps apart from god I might say). Would we have ever had literature? What stories would we have made up? Would they be considered lies because they weren’t true? Would the light bulb ever have been invented? Would it have been apostasy that the sun wasn’t enough? (That might be an exaggeration, but the line of thought...) I think about that kind of stuff all the time.
The fish example is a good way to put it. My aunt tried to explain it to me recently. In the process of achieving a new world we made other discoveries like music, math, things like that. So who else knows what we could do. So like you said, what next after meeting every fish in the sea? Lol -
What would I do? Everything.
We wouldn't get old or symptoms of old age either.
You must not understand the fish example.. not trying to sound rude but what after? Unless you could explore the cosmos there isn't any would master every instruments, have 5000000 million children, learn every chess move. Then what? Your answers have zero reasoning behind them. Now let's see how you try to flip your answer and save what remaining ego you have left..