When I reminded you about the impropriety of using “fuck off” towards a lady you again used it towards me which means you want to be where you are in the Iron Age, and thus you refuse to evolve—against the very cause evolutionists stand for. Thus your lips support theory of evolution whereas your action proves no evolution is possible.
This further reinforces the conviction of believer like me for whom every product produced in the world is the proof that no product comes without a designer which also proves more complex machine called human being should be designed by a higher designer (which is what rationality means). You think you stand for rationality; yet you are the living proof of irrationality. In the early part of your life, you jumped into a bottomless pit of religious blindness from where you made a similar jump into another bottomless pit of atheism. In either jump, God was not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents God, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without God). It is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong.
Cofty, Behave like a brave warrior, and don't escape from me diverting the subject dragging the name of any organization with whom I do not have any connection.
I am a lone female, ready to take on all you atheists. I challenge you.