Hi ttdtt
questions are too simple to answer.
Matter has always existed in some form or
the other since matter is materialization of energy which can neither be created nor destroyed. So is the case with
immaterial beings such as my mind, your mind and the Supreme Mind. Hence question
of who created God, who created His residence are all redundant.
don’t need an explanation from Science for the existence of my mind which I know exists and which I know is
immaterial. I exist, and I also know that I exist. Moreover, I am a consciousness
with a conscience that is capable of distinguish not only what is right and wrong but even the various shades of them. So is the case with your mind and the Supreme Mind.
I know many scientists who are modest and balanced who say our area is
to stick to what is quantifiable and empirical, God may exist or may not exist
which doesn’t come under our purview.
Regarding souls or Supreme Soul being happy or unhappy. I know my very nature is happiness. I feel unhappy because I chose to be so by diverting from my nature, and I continue to be unhappy till I return to my original nature. For example, I am shouted at by someone. Now I am thinking about it--questioning it how, why ... which means now I am diverted from my original nature by taking the words of another person to hurt my self. I am creating the hurt--not the words of another person. After some time, I begin to think--how can his words hurt me unless I hurt myself; what if I let those words unheeded ...now I am returning to my original nature of happiness. This is the case with all Minds.