Interesting video!
Original command was to lovingly take care of animals (Genesis 1:29, 30) That part of the history is described as “very good” (Genesis 1:31) Life span of people were longer—as symbolized by Methuselah who lived for 969 years (need not be literal, it only means he lived longer). Looking at his vibrant health, observers would doubt: ‘when he will die?’ That is what his very name, Methuselah, literally meant.
When humans turned egoistic, they began to see flesh as an object of enjoyment and began hunting (which was later copied by some animals too). To legitimize this change in habit, some invented the story of Noah’s flood whose very basis is irony. God supposedly wanted to protect Noah’s family and “two of all living creatures, male and female” (Gen 6:19) and to destroy the rest. After the flood, God says ‘now you can eat the animals.’ (Gen 9:3)
Immediately after the conclusion of such a great colossal event of Global Deluge which destroyed all species except “two of all living creatures”, God would naturally have made a long speech with specific details to avoid such a global catastrophe again. Instead, God is too brief saying: “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you” which is in conflict with His own earlier command (Gen 1:29) as though He had to destroy the world because people went wrong on their diet.