You will find this problem with every scriptures because they are not meant for literal reading just like currencies are not meant to be viewed as just a piece of paper. Talking snake, talking donkey ... are the clues that they are not literal. What is being conveyed matters not the means through which it is conveyed. Here is a sample how I benefit from scriptures:
In the OT, Joseph was sold by his own brothers out of jealousy which backfired on them later—the very thing they wanted to not happen (fulfillment of Joseph’s dream) happened. This teaches you would reap what you sowed / thought. Good story—whether true or false.
In the NT, Jesus reaped what he did not sow. In spite of the good things he did for them, they returned evil to him. This too is good story whether true or false because it teaches us a practical lesson: You do your duty without having expectation of others because people act according to their liking.
Both the principles are needed for our lives:
One teaches where we should have expectation (expect results for everything I do), and the
other teaches where we should not have expectation (don’t have expectation about others)