Apostle Paul felt he should protect God even by lying: "For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also judged a sinner?" (Romans 3:7)
Posts by venus
Does Jehovah need any protection?
by I_love_Jeff indoes jehovah need to be protected by a zealous scribe***** (masoretic text) or anyone else?
deuteronomy 32:8 is a textbook example of how later scribes sometimes changed the biblical text in a misguided attempt to “protect” god’s reputation.
deut 32:8, eliminates references to other divine beings (32:8, “sons of god”; 32:43, “heavenly ones” and “gods”).
countdown to darkness
by waton inif you want to experience the impact of an historic event, go and visit the next stark darkening, the eclipse in 2024. to be precise, ~1969 days away.
the countdown also will take you, like an anti-daily text, through wt history as a retro prophecy a day for a year.
ha ha.
They went wrong because they thought Bible is dependable for prophecy. They were no different from Christendom who holds Bible sacred just because it was thought sacred in the past by their predecessors.
They have a point...
by James Mixon inlast week in the sunday meeting a sister made a comment and collapsed, a massive heart attack.
one of the young brothers is a fireman and he gave her mouth mouth and according to the doctor this saved her life.
so if she had missed the meeting that day she would have surly died because her husband is not in great health.
Daniel 10:13 and 20 speak of demons governing their respective nations?
by I_love_Jeff interritorial spirits-.
daniel 10:13,20 prince of persia.
deut: 32:9 “when the most high divided the nations, when he separated the sons of adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of god.
Joseph used to keep a special cup for the purpose of "divination" (Genesis 44:5). This is something that was later evolved into a means to communicate with Satan. Bible writers do not share a common source of inspiration; each of them acted on his own: "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has also rejected you from being king.”" (1 Samuel 15:23)
Mathew 12:35—a verse of paramount importance
by Ireneus injesus taught he would not use an organization on earth once he leaves the stage (mathew 7:12, 21-23; luke 6:38 …etc) this is because god respects the free-will of everyone and would not force anyone to follow certain path, which means system of things would climax in the situation described in 2tim 3:1-5.. yet those who want to lead a life of ease are not left in the lurch.
there is a verse of paramount importance that jesus spoke of: ‘everyone acts/reacts according to his passion—beneficial or wasteful’ (mathew 12:35) which means there is no basis for certain expected response, towards your action, from others.
this is interesting, because we often get disappointed when others do not appreciate the good we do or are not grateful to us.
Interestingly, Lao Tzu had already written this long back: “Act without expectation.” Seers are so because of their observation. We can also observe and arrive at such lessons. Here are some:
Life teaches LET GO:
When we let go thoughts—sleep enters
When we let go breath—next breath enters
When we let go past memories—Kingdom of God resurfaces within. (Luke 17:21)
Shunning: Reasoning With JW's
by The Fall Guy inperhaps this line of questioning could agitate a jw's thinking.
it can't hurt.. you: is shunning a biblical teaching?.
jw: yes.. you: so it must be god's law?.
Hi The Fall Guy
Very sound logic and reasoning.
Daniel 10:13 and 20 speak of demons governing their respective nations?
by I_love_Jeff interritorial spirits-.
daniel 10:13,20 prince of persia.
deut: 32:9 “when the most high divided the nations, when he separated the sons of adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of god.
However, behind all the details what is absolutely clear is that Daniel was not aware of the JW teaching that the the 'Satan is the ruler of this world."
The Greek word used for wicked one originally means wastefulness which was later personified as wicked one or Satan.
Are there close parallels between Deuteronomy 32:8, Genesis 10 and the Ugaritic tablets?
by I_love_Jeff inaccording to these sources (city of ancient ugaritic tablets found in 1928) , elyon divided up all the nations into seventy nations, one for each of his sons (elim) .
sons of god makes the most sense than the sons of israel-deut.
32:8 especially since there was no nation of israel listed in the table of nations.
Book of Deuteronomy is bound to carry wrong notions. Look at its very essence—it presents God as a Law Giver which is unlikely to be true. God would not make Laws for humans because He knows that it is the intention behind the action that makes an action right or wrong (not the action itself which is often neutral in nature). Only the doer knows his intention behind his action; hence knows which action to be performed and which action not to be performed.
End of biblical generation.
by asp59 inthis organization use god's name.
when puting god's name they accepted some things.
to complete the preaching work.
Psalm 90:10 had a literal fulfillment on them: "Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures" which means there is nothing divine about the organization. What applies to the physical man applies to the organization too (individuals collective)
Why are Humans so Obsessed with trying to find Meaning in Ancient Writings that they waste their life on and are willing to die for ?
by smiddy3 inwhen you stop and think about it , isn`t it just plain crazy ?
ludicrous even ?
to live your life on texts centuries old and are willing to die upholding those beliefs ?.
I agree with Not_Culty
If people are willing to reason they would know that Scriptures are not God’s way of communication. For example, God did not safeguard Bible from being interpolated [see the reference editions which put things in brackets such as portions after Mark 16:8 ....etc] which He would definitely do if He is its author and owner. And even more important evidence that it is not God’s communication is that Bible is the basis for all conflicted sects which run into over 41000! This is the pattern we have observed in people as Ekhart Tolle rightly puts it: “If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re-creating the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction.”