Story unwittingly betrays human tendency to blame others (fallen angels in this case) for own mistakes
Posts by venus
The bizarreness of Genesis 6:2
by doubtfull1799 in"the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.
so they began taking as wives all whom they chose.".
it may be feasible to some to accept the bible's assertion that the first humans were tempted to pursue independence from god, especially since they were created in his image and he is independent from any authority.
The bizarreness of Genesis 6:2
by doubtfull1799 in"the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.
so they began taking as wives all whom they chose.".
it may be feasible to some to accept the bible's assertion that the first humans were tempted to pursue independence from god, especially since they were created in his image and he is independent from any authority.
Great points that argue against divine inspiration!
Whether Jesus was a historical figure or not matters not
by venus inwhen i suffered some loss what jesus said came to my mind: “if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.” (mathew 5:40) principle behind this statement made flash to me: ‘here shirt is only a symbol of material things/comfort.
if you suffer a loss, have the mind-set that i have no problem even if i suffer some greater loss,’ and my worry immediately disappeared.
whether jesus was a historical figure or not matters not if what he (supposedly) said happens to be of great practical help..
I was trying to show that apostate can understand the Bible better
Whether Jesus was a historical figure or not matters not
by venus inwhen i suffered some loss what jesus said came to my mind: “if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.” (mathew 5:40) principle behind this statement made flash to me: ‘here shirt is only a symbol of material things/comfort.
if you suffer a loss, have the mind-set that i have no problem even if i suffer some greater loss,’ and my worry immediately disappeared.
whether jesus was a historical figure or not matters not if what he (supposedly) said happens to be of great practical help..
When I suffered some loss what Jesus said came to my mind: “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.” (Mathew 5:40) Principle behind this statement made flash to me: ‘Here shirt is only a symbol of material things/comfort. If you suffer a loss, have the mind-set that I have no problem even if I suffer some greater loss,’ and my worry immediately disappeared.
Whether Jesus was a historical figure or not matters not if what he (supposedly) said happens to be of great practical help.
Does Anyone Wish Satan Were Real?
by Rainbow_Troll ini left the memorial tonight with a renewed antagonism towards all that is good and holy.
i doubt the existence of satan, but i had to recite two "our father who wert in heaven..." prayers just to feel cleansed of the miasma of sanctity i had just endured for over an hour!.
it's times like these when i wish that there really were a devil that i could sell my soul to in exchange for his support in corrupting as many christians away from their faith as i possibly can.
Satan was invented by religions with a commercial intent.
Pray for all people, especially our leaders? That's what the bible says
by TTWSYF infrom 1timothy chapt 2. the first to timothy.
2 first of all, then, i urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men, 2 concerning kings and all those who are in high positions,*+ so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion and seriousness.+ 3 this is fine and acceptable in the sight of our savior, god,+ 4 whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved+ and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
5 for there is one god,+ and one mediator+ between god and men,+ a man, christ jesus,+ 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all*+—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time.
This is a clear statement that says Rulers are "God's servants" (Romans 13:7), not of Satan as JW teaching says.
Memorial - from disgusted to feeling sorry
by UBM101 ini went with my husband tonight for the first time.
it was pretty appalling how they lied about the 144k and everyone else.
then passing the wine and bread for nothing.
When i was just following the crowd, I attended it as others did only to realize later that this is nothing but cannibalism in another form and name.
You will be with me in Paradise
by AmyWatson916 ini'm reading a book called, "what to do when they knock".
it points out that on page 36 of the 2014 "what does the bible really teach?
" book jesus promises the criminal, "you will be with me in paradise.
That statement is not found in Mark's gospel which is the first one written. Statement is found in Luke's gospel, and Luke was not a disciple, nor was he present in the site of Jesus's crucifixion. It's likely that statement is a later adoption by someone who had no idea about when Jesus was really resurrected.
God never knew Jesus would be killed?
by venus injesus gave an illustration with a landowner being the central character:.
“there was a landowner who planted a vineyard.
he put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower.
If parable has a central character, what he says as the main intent of his action should necessarily fit with what really happens later. Here we find a father who grossly miscalculated.
Besides, parable has its origin in God Himself according to Jesus: "I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me." (John 8:28
God never knew Jesus would be killed?
by venus injesus gave an illustration with a landowner being the central character:.
“there was a landowner who planted a vineyard.
he put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower.
You got it correctly when you said: "After the death of Jesus, his followers had to develop a way of making his crucifixion appear as if it were "part of the plan" from the beginning."