only contradictions, even other assertions carry inherent contradictions. For example,
you know that something against demand-and-supply mechanism will not happen—if
someone says “when supply of gold exceeds and becomes superfluous like sand in
the desert, its price will increase” no one will agree. Similarly, Can a father
exalt one child (Jesus) over others, or one nation (Israel) over others? Can a
nation that experienced a great miraculous escape soon turn into calf worship
telling a single calf idol:
‘You are our gods, who
brought us up out of Egypt’? (Exodus 32:4) Can a nation that experienced
millions of miracles from Jesus soon turn to be so mad as to demand “Kill
Jesus, and release for us Barabbas!” which would bring them no benefit at all?
(Luke 23:18) Yet these are not just isolated verses, but are the very pillar on
which the whole Bible is built!