The whole concept of need of preaching is based on illogical grounds. For example, Jesus reportedly warned: “Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven.” (Mathew 10:32) This statement (often used to encourage the preachers to do more) dishonors Jesus and God who sent him because it essentially means: ‘If you do this we will do that for you’ which is same as the commercial attitude of the world against which Jesus himself cautions us in great length (John chapter 15, 17 … etc) and contradicts other fundamental truths Jesus emphasized earlier such as Mathew 5:44-48.
is unlikely that Jesus gave it especially because a spiritual person would not
say ‘fear should be your motive behind your service to God’ (Mathew 10:28). What
is done out of fear is mechanical and is also as good as nothing being done.