Diogenesister, millie210
Because what he said was an eye-opener for me, I went straight and
sat with him during the dinner and congratulated him, and asked him: “You mean
to say anger is the part of our very design by God—remember all religions teach
it is one of the vices?” Interestingly, he wanted to be politically correct
with his answers. He said: Let religions teach what they like—we are concerned
with our practical life. I have found anger to be a mechanism within to keep us
uneasy till we find out a solution. There are people who did this in large
scale and brought freedom to countries with millions of population without
channelizing their anger towards the aggressors.
Then he gave some more details on the second point which he said
is connected with the first point. You have heard no man is in an island.
Similarly, no action is an isolated action. Nothing happens without something
preceding—there is always a basis for something to happen. Everything that
happens is part of a flow. In addition, every action is influenced by many
factors and forces which are often beyond the control of the doer. It explains
why people behave differently in same situation because they are operating from
their immediate background—such as coming in good mood or in bad from home.
That is why in a traffic jam, you see some are yelling at each other, some are
agitated, some are impatient, yet some are relaxed making use of the time doing
something creative such as planning, reading, praying, doing breathing exercise
… etc. In office world, management behaves very nicely with employees when
company makes good profit, and vice versa, which means every action is the
offspring of the time and circumstances. Person coming from such office
atmosphere on to house may not be fully himself/herself.