Though the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the Bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:
1) “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the Law of Retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated. Original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because Jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (Mathew 5:38-42)
2) “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Mathew 19:24) often mistaken as the anti-rich verse is actually a great verse that is in harmony with what we find in our experience. One who becomes rich in any one particular aspect (money-making, knowledge, art, talent, skill …etc) is often weak in many other aspects of life which invites problems making life (of his and others) a hell. Also, many who are exceptionally good in one aspect is often seen arrogant and treat others as good for nothing which also creates hell for him and others. Because they think their happiness depends on the validation of others, they often experience unhappiness. But if one views life as something to be enjoyed, relaxed—with nothing to “prove” and live in “the now” he is already in the Kingdom of God (Colossians 3:23; Luke 17:21)