gesture doesn’t covey much if we see only four fingers closed and thumb
standing upward. But if we look for the implied meaning, then it is a positive,
informal signal indicating a job well done, and
saying ‘keep it up.’
Similarly, biblical accounts don’t convey much
if we see them as mere accounts. But if we look for the implied truth, then it
is a treasure. For example:
1) God warned Adam and Cain before they could
act—this communication had no effect on both of them—one perfect and the other
2) God performed great miracles over the
Israelites, and Jesus too did the same—yet they had no effect on the people who
simply preferred Barabbas to Jesus. Implied truth is that people would not
change their course of action no matter what God communicates to them or does
in favor of them. Under the force of circumstance even if they change, they
would revert just like water rising upward as vapor under the heat and then reverting to
liquidity again after the special circumstance ceasing to exist.
3) In Genesis 11:6, 7 we find God speaking about the ability of
humans: If all humans are to speak one language, “then nothing they plan to do
will be impossible for them. Come, let us go
down and confuse their language so
they will not understand each other.”
Behind the literalness of this description, an interesting implied
truth is conveyed: Both God and Humans alike know that so much of wastage of
energy and time can be saved which, in turn, can be diverted into productive
purposes if the world reverts to one language. People would leap with joy over
such a prospect—we breathe the same air, drink the same water, and speak the
same language. Yet humans also know that individuals are unlikely to agree to
abandon their language in favor of another. Even a mere suggestion would result
in resentment and conflicts! In other words, need is appreciatively and
intensely felt, but adaptation is not possible as both offset each other.
If this is the state of affairs with humans, it is pointless for
God to communicate with them! This is the irony from the Bible, the so-called
written communication of God that it is pointless for God to communicate with