Thomas Jefferson has already answered:
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
Thomas Jefferson has already answered:
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."
i am 12 years old and im confused because my mam is leaving the truth after 12 years and i want to celebrate xmas but she still doesnt believe that should do it coz even though shes realised society has lied about things she still believes in god.
im unsure whether i believe in god or not but i havent really looked into it much ..
Hi Kas12,
So nice to see little ones asking questions like adults.
Humans have to grow, hunt, and gather food, but many living things aren’t so constrained. Plants, algae and many species of bacteria can make their own sustenance through the process of photosynthesis. They harness sunlight to drive the chemical reactions in their bodies that produce sugars. This is something humans could, so far, not even duplicate for themselves even though they know the process.
By explaining this process and other wonders of nature, science instills in us a feeling of awe which is in effect the true worship of the one who endowed the plants with such an envious self-sustaining capacity. Scientist Einstein had such a feeling of awe when he looked at the nature that has come packed with things that give us a sense of awe. He said he was like “a little child entering a huge library” and marveling at the books though it may not understand everything it sees there. (Einstein and Religion, written by Max Jammer, Einstein’s friend)
the speculation i am about to propose over the fifth discourse of the gospel according to matthew, which includes chapters 23 to 25, is based on the following:.
1. up to the time that babylon destroyed the temple in jerusalem in the 6th century bce, the nation was dominantly polytheist.
leading up to that period, the tiny monotheist “yahweh-alone” gradually exerted increasing influence.
Your thinking is right because Catholic theologians already teach that Mathew 23-25 were written after Romans destroyed Jerusalem temple.
i love the atheist experience show on youtube!
i just re-watched this video and it's one of my favorites..
Video is right in saying God need not be our moral guide. Even Jesus said we are endowed with moral sense and are capable of deciding what is good for us (Mathew 7:12)
People enjoy gossiping, but they resist when they are being gossiped which means we know what is good and what is bad.
We also know what action of others make us happy or sorrowful which means we also know how we should act towards others.
We also know how to display various type of behaviour. For example, we go to one office. We treat the security personnel one way, receptionist another way, guide another way, and adopt a totally different way with CEO of the company.
counties once at war with one another can forgive and move on.
even horrible murderers who killed the family members of someone can be forgiven for the act that they did.. but god, no no no.
no such thing can happen.
The story of Adam and Eve lacks signs of realism. It is unlikely that Adam and Eve would respond to such a lie the way they did. If they wanted to know whether they would die without eating from the tree, it is common sense that they should wait for sufficient time. For need of eating from that tree arises only when they are going to die. Hence no one would choose to eat from that tree before such a need arises. Waiting was safer option. While waiting, either of the two situations will arise—they will continue to live on and on (in this case, they don’t have to eat from that tree), or they will gradually sense that their body is moving towards death (in this case, they can try that particular tree to avert death). On the contrary, if they go ahead and eat from the tree, and thereafter find that they are going to die, what will they do? They have no other option left to try!
This shows story is symbolic. Jesus says history has entered into Old World at some point, and in some point this Old World would be renewed and again it would be made into New World. (Mathew 19:28) This is the key to understand the account of Adam and Eve. Genesis 1:26-31 says God created mankind as two groups—male and female. And this New World continued for some time about which it is apprised as “was very good.”
How this New World was turned into Old World is shown, in Genesis chapter 3, through Adam and Even who represent the mankind as a whole—Adam is collective man and Eve the collective woman. [In Hebrew Adam primarily means mankind.] Mankind as a whole turned their attention towards “fruit of the tree” or produce of the earth which means they turned into materialism which continues even now. Even religious people are materialistic because they take up various forms of worship to get material benefits [I want this, I want that …] from God which means worship is the means and materialism is the end.
In all cultures you will find something like this story which would show behind the details the same essence—taking attachment from God and attaching themselves with His things. When mankind displays God’s qualities it is called paradise or New World, and when they turn materialistic it becomes Old World. Whenever mankind depletes/destroys the provisions for life’s enjoyment, God renews it.
need some help explaining the falsehood of 1914 and this generation.
i am needing articles fod reference.
Most important factor to be taken into consideration is Jewish documents because it is their history. Their Encyclopedias and reference works give the year 586 BCE as the year of their temple destruction.
every day i read the web log of generational dynamics.
it a political/current affairs commentary, which over the years has proved to be quite insightful.
however, today's commentary (for the 23rd) is quite relevant for witnesses and i encourage you to have a look at it, if you have a few minutes.
I liked references to “Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi who could be face genocide charges.”
Today’s victim is tomorrow’s victimizer.
WT specializes on harping on the flaws of Christendom, yet they are too intolerant about the same treatment when it is given to them by others.
my draft chapters on the book of revelation is available at:.
i am seriously seeking corrections, criticisms, and advice.. thanks,.
Interestingly, Bible itself says God would not speak/write in symbols: "Again, if the trumpet sounds a muffled call, who will prepare for battle?" (1 Cor 14:8)
i have been surprised recently to see so much support by ex-jws for the watchtower's refusal to fight and kill.
in my opinion it is a vice masquerading as a virtue.
of course war should always be a last resort but there are occasions that it has to be done.
JW's strong adherence to shunning itself shows they are not pacifists.
War is divine when it is done for right cause--just like cutting the flesh is good when a surgeon does it for removal of cancerous formation whereas cutting the flesh for its own sake is bad.
so jehovah the bronze age deity god of the nation of bc israel.
next he's the god of the whole world even outer space,, as man's understanding of the earth increases past the bronze age so does jehovah's greatness.
the watchtower interpretation of scripture presupposes what they know about the world today or perhaps only what their thick brains know about the world today,, because they have this evil fixation about science and higher education being a tool of the devil to draw people away from the real truth found in the bible, their knowledge is very limited and back to the 1800s.. much to the chagrin of the watchtower corporation jehovah's godship has been significantly reduced due to what science can now tell about a probable multiverse.
God must be laughing at the way Bible and other scriptures depict Him. His role is to “renew” the provisions for life’s enjoyment whenever humans deplete/destroy them (Mathew 19:28). He is in no need to give details about Himself because many of the atheists do not act unrighteously and many of the theists do not act righteously, which means knowledge about God has often no effect on people’ behavior. Belief in God is similar to belief in other basic truths, such as belief in other minds. Body-mind problem and universe-“superior mind” (as coined by Einstein) problem are similar. Belief in God is optional.