Name Jehovah, associated with the myth of exodus, cannot be the real name. This is attested by the fact that Jesus profusely used the term “Father” instead of Jehovah.
If at all there is a name, it should stem from His most important act He regularly performs in large scale. According to Jesus, God “renews” the world whenever humans deplete/destroy the provisions for life’s enjoyment. (Mathew 19:28) Hence His name must do with this aspect—something like omnibenevolent which is hinted at throughout the Bible (Mark 10:18; Psalm 100:5; Psalm 145:17; 2 Peter 3:9 ….)
His love is unmistakably highlighted in Mathew 25:31-46 where it is shown that all nations—including atheists—are judged according to humanitarian acts each one performed, not according to belief in any God.