I read in between the lines, events and isms, and this is my
Looking at events at an Olympic swimming pool, one cannot
conclude swimmers are the emergent properties of the swimming pool.
Looking at things such as flowers, varied fruits and grains …
that match our varied tastes I must conclude that they have been put in place
for our enjoyment.
at the history of nations (collective individuals) we find that their present
is the result of past—good or bad. This must be true of every individual. Every
seed/species reproduces its own kind, and everyone reaps what he sows: “With
the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38) God’s role is
illustrated in what Jesus said in Mathew 19:28: ‘God is the one who
renews/recreate the provisions made for man’s sustenance and enjoyment whenever
they are depleted/destroyed.’ When the old world ends, all the souls return to
heaven, as though children
returning for home from play ground, and remain there till the new
world is recreated/renewed on earth, and start coming down to play in certain
order. And cycle repeats.
In other words, life
is not complicated. We descend to play and return home. Thus descending and
returning alternate eternally. Certain degree of order makes life enjoyable;
and simultaneously certain degree of disorder such as diseases, natural
calamities make us want to return home. We cannot go on drinking/eating
something sweet without its sweetness being felt diminishing. But when we
alternate with something not sweet--we take a sip then have something not
sweet, again have a sip ..., we enjoy sweetness again, and again. Principle is
shown also by day and night. How boring it would be if we have only night.
In other words, the best definition for God is He is the servant of humanity because His role is only once in a cycle—to renew/recreate
whenever situation calls for it. Then He goes into silence which means He is not
interested in our worship/gratitude.