Hi Cofty,
Real problem is not that creationists have not studied evolution. Many of them have
studied it, and some of them also have done their homework (like me) which means we have studied the
philosophy of evolution and philosophy of science—something obviously you lack
because of which you act like the one who takes a bulldozer to crush an egg.
See the way you react using too big words such as “painfully ignorant” [which
betrays your basis as emotion, rather than reason] to refer to any view which
you don’t like. Your greatest reason for abandoning faith in God was 2004
Tsunami according to your own testimony. This is not at a reason because surviving victims of that Tsunami, and their close family members still continue to be believers in God which reveals
their basis of believing in God as reason, not emotion.
In philosophy of science, science is neutral as it is just a
study of laws of nature with a view to using them to benefit humanity, to bring
comfort to us. “With regard to theological or metaphysical reality, science
holds the agnostic position – it simply has no knowledge on this subject.” (Philip G Zimbardo and Floyd L Ruch, Psychologia I zycie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe
PWN, wyd III, Warszawa 1996, s 19) Yet, look
at the current scenario: Science has not created any living being, not even a
too tiny seed that can ensure all its future generations being protected in its
memory [which if it had done, it would still not prove God doesn't exist]; instead it made the designs of factories and vehicles with their emission
pipes to the air and drainage systems to the water sources which means water and air were treated as global garbage cans knowing very well that no life is possible
without pure air and water. See how the globally acclaimed physicist and
cosmologist Stephen Hawking himself testifies: “We are in danger of destroying
ourselves ….. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and
increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet.”
After polluting water and air, now science is thinking of
various ways of removing the pollution which is not wisdom, not love of wisdom;
but it amounts only to undoing the harm caused because of its own
When an individual or nation becomes materially rich for
first time, next question that comes is “where is God?” (Proverb 30:9) which
implies we can get along without Him. But the longer you enjoy material
abundance you begin to experience emptiness within from where you start
searching for God, as happened in India. India experienced material abundance
long back, before any other country became materially rich and it is only a
well-known history that many Islamic rulers and some Christian nations became materially
rich by plundering India. Its ancient stories are the reflections of the time
they were written; and show that it was materially rich and also had well-grounded belief in God which even
now continues with the number of materialists in that country being too minimal.