Jesus said nothing matters except our humane behaviour. (Mathew 25:31-46) You can leave behind all your doctrines--acceptable or unacceptable--which are made for the religious establishment.
Posts by venus
How to deal with struggling with the doctrines
by Dval inthis is my first post.
i'm still a jw but am inactive.
im struggling with the fact that i agree with some of the doctrines (i,e, the stance on the trinity, there is no hell) but i disagree with a lot of things (i,e, men can't have beards, women have to wear skirts).
Son of God
by Steel inis this a title of diety or did god have a baby?
sorry for being so brief, typing on a phone.. i am kind of interested to see what you have to say.
In one place Bible would say Jesus is "son of God," and in another place "son of man." This is the tactics of religious leaders to keep people looking to them for daily interpretation. It is their own way of consolidating their position.
GB and Moses—an interesting similarity!
by Ireneus inmoses is the symbol of divorcing anyone who acts smarter and exhibits sharper spiritual insight.
his wife, zipporah, daughter of a pagan midianite priest (exodus 2.15-22), was more spiritual and had keener spiritual insight than moses.
on one occasion she averted a disaster by acting promptly (by performing the act of circumcision on their son) thus saving moses from being killed by jehovah’s angel which ultimately helped the israelites’ exodus from egypt.
Smiddy3, that’s true.
Many Bible writers were writing things which they did not mean or lost meaning later. For example, epileptic seizures occur because of a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain, which causes a temporary disturbance in the messaging systems between the brain cells. Unaware of this truth, ancient superstitious people thought such seizures are the result of demon-possessions, hence practiced exorcism. People with such wrong ideas wrote the account of Mark 9:17-29 where we find Jesus is depicted as curing an epileptic patient by casting out demons from him declaring: “This kind can come out only by prayer.” Same type of people are behind projecting Joshua as stopping “the sun and moon” from orbiting (Joshua 10:12) which meant they didn’t know that if the sun stood still, there would have to be a suspension of both our orbital movement as well as our rotational movement in order to keep the sun specifically over one location .
This shows human ideas can make their way into the Bible and may appear as though coming from the mouth of Jesus, or any prophet. So is the case with Moses and his Law.
GB and Moses—an interesting similarity!
by Ireneus inmoses is the symbol of divorcing anyone who acts smarter and exhibits sharper spiritual insight.
his wife, zipporah, daughter of a pagan midianite priest (exodus 2.15-22), was more spiritual and had keener spiritual insight than moses.
on one occasion she averted a disaster by acting promptly (by performing the act of circumcision on their son) thus saving moses from being killed by jehovah’s angel which ultimately helped the israelites’ exodus from egypt.
This shows Jesus knew that humans are not meant to take guidance from other humans because of the simple truth that each one’s very essence is endowed with ability to receive and transmit guidance from God if we make an effort to really listen to it: “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” (Romans 8:16)
Interestingly, through different wordings, Carl Jung indirectly points to the ability of our inner self. He arrived at this conclusion from analyzing his own dreams which he says is the means our sub-conscious mind uses to communicate with us by delivering messages direct to the conscious. Although many different characters can appear in our dreams, he believed that “every character is a different aspect of our unacknowledged self or a prevalent situation in our life. Basically, we cannot easily retrieve the data stored in our unconscious mind, so dreams offer the opportunity to view the data so that we can achieve inner peace, balance and harmony and achieve self-growth and self-realization, which propel us towards our unique higher purpose”—a process he meant by the term individuation.
“Dreams are impartial, spontaneous products of the unconscious psyche, outside the control of the will. They are pure nature; they show us the unvarnished, natural truth, and are therefore fitted, as nothing else is, to give us back an attitude that accords with our basic human nature when our consciousness has strayed too far from its foundations and run into an impasse.”
[Collected Works Volume 10, paragraph 317]
It is a pity that even when they copy the ladder of authority from the world--religious, political and commercial--they do not realize it is the world they accuse of being ruled by Satan who started this very power-consciousness.
by no-zombie inone of this things that constantly reminds me of the extent and the reach the organization has into our lives, is the fact we all need pseudonyms to have a conversation or to make a comment in this even here in this place.
even when people have left the society (by however it has occurred), its rare to see somebody change their online presence to their personal name.. now i'm not expecting people to do that of course, fore we are all free to do what we like (which is the real beauty of this forum) but the fact that it doesn't occur that often, shows how much we've all been effected by being told over and over again, "not to be critical of god's organization".
of course there could be an number so side issues at play here; with some people not wanting to burn their bridges in an attempt to keep what reputation they have left intact and sadly a small minority others, do enjoy the anonymity to just talk trash ... but if a person can not feel free to stand up and respectfully make a critical comment or ask a thorny question without fear of repercussion from their religion, then doesn't it show that there is no real freedom in that faith.
It shows how much people have been spoiled by the cultic geneius of WT leadership.
If God’s people can’t see anti-God verses in the Bible
by Ireneus inif god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
*Just like universe is made of 4% visible things and of 96% "dark matter and dark energy,"
*Just as our actions are done 5% consciously and 95 unconsciously,
Bible is also composed of both--few inspired verses and much of uninspired verses, most of which depicts God anthropomorphically. That means we can find some anti-God verses also in the Bible.
A thinking man coming to grips with the Bible
by TerryWalstrom inno ego and no agenda--and yet--a thinking-out-loud tour of what the lasting value ofbiblical teaching might mean.
His analysis of myth (as reflection of the time of its writing, hence as real as the envelop it come in) makes sense. For example take the case of Bible as a myth: As the myth unfold we find a nation claiming to be God’s chosen people and meeting with its inevitable end with Empires such as Babylon and Romans proving them wrong. This plot is as real as the envelop (called Bible), the frame of the fiction. Try the same at anytime--we get the same result.
Tragedy is that people do not take lesson from myth, not even from own experience. In one mythological story, God of death tells "He who has no debts is truly happy." This is what everyone knows--yet look at the rulers/leaders (governments)--all of them choose deficit budget spending more than income, and go on a spree of borrowing or printing (easy) money (Fiat system) which would meet its necessary dead-end at one point.
If God’s people can’t see anti-God verses in the Bible
by Ireneus inif god’s people can’t see anti-god verses in the bible, how can they be god’s people?.
jehovah is the “god of the gentiles also” and “there is no impartiality with god,” says the bible.
(romans 3:29; deuteronomy 10:17).
The most obvious lesson the Bible teaches is that God would defeat the purpose of a nation if they claim to be God’s chosen people. See what Empires such as Babylon and Romans did to the people who made such a claim—a fact that is well-documented in the Bible and also in secular history. JWs don’t seem to understand this too obvious lesson.
Can someone please explain James 5:14 for me
by preymanchis ini cant seem to understand this text actually, can someone please explain it to me.
enjoyed the humor, fulano