All religious leaders share the same sin: They come to you in sheep's fleeces, but beneath that disguise they are ravenous wolves." (Mathew 7:15) Difference is only in degree. They all have the impression of feeding whereas in reality they are fleecing.
Posts by venus
Jehovah's Witnesses: shame and domination
by john.prestor ini want to suggest something that i've been ruminating on for a while now.
that involves the possibility that when jehovah's witnesses look for "sheep-like ones" what they're actually looking for is this: those who will allow themselves to be dominated (get rid of things that god "hates," accept the movement's beliefs without protest, not check into the movement's history) and those who are willing to be shamed (letting jehovah's witnesses into their homes when doing so is looked down upon in secular society, talking with them on the street when everyone else avoids them).. i say this because from what i observed at the kingdom halls i attended in the course of gathering data for my research i saw:.
-frequent shaming: jehovah's witnesses must do more to be acceptable to god, they are "good for nothing slaves," they are spared through armageddon by jehovah's "undeserved kindness," etc.
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
Greater Cyrus is diverting first money, property and finally waters of people over which GB empire sits. Interesting twist of the story.
Jehovah's Witnesses worship a pagan god derived from the ancient Canaanite civilization
by Finkelstein inhistorians of ancient history along with bible scholars have found from where the ancient hebrews acquired their god yhwh .. el was the all powerful god of the canaanites which the hebrews converted mostly to a monotheist style of worship for themselves.. apparently their were ancient civilizations that predated the canaanites as well ..
People of Genesis were not at all concerned whether they should worship a God who is the true God or not. Their whole concept was materialistic: “Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father's house, then the Lord will be my God. …and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.’” (Gen 28:20 - 22)
Very little that is factual in the Bible?
by TerryWalstrom in
Among those few historical things found in the Bible, the following is one we can say with absolute certainty that it is made by a historical person with sharp insight of the future: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” (Mathew 7:21-23)
Prima facie these anti-organization statements cannot be invented or interpolated by any organization as they are against the interests of them. And see the amazing degree of its fulfillment—over 41000 Christian organizations claiming to be true Christians asserting the rest are false.
Diminishing glory of JWs, confusions are at the root
by Ireneus inwhen the world shuns jws because of difference of opinion, it is described as the action of satan.. when jws shun others because of difference of opinion, it is described as theocratic action.. such confused mind is at the root of getting wrong teachings.
jws shun anything what anyone would rate as the best of the bible or christian traditions:.
1)cross (with a longer descending arm) is the symbol of controlling the less powerful (“acts of the flesh”) with the more powerful (“spirit” within)—galatians 5:17, 19, 25.
I disagree with you Drearyweather,
Though context may have a bearing on some statements, things referred to in Mathew 7:21-23 are absolute which can mean one and the same thing in any context. Interestingly, phrases such as “the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted because of righteousness” etc are prima facie refer to those what they mean—not to a particular faith or organization.
In addition, Jesus made it sure that no one would interpret it in any other ways by elaborating it in the simplest illustration of sheep and goat (Mathew 25:31-46) where it is described with absolute clarity that judgment is based on whether humans acted humanely or not, not based on one’s belief.
Diminishing glory of JWs, confusions are at the root
by Ireneus inwhen the world shuns jws because of difference of opinion, it is described as the action of satan.. when jws shun others because of difference of opinion, it is described as theocratic action.. such confused mind is at the root of getting wrong teachings.
jws shun anything what anyone would rate as the best of the bible or christian traditions:.
1)cross (with a longer descending arm) is the symbol of controlling the less powerful (“acts of the flesh”) with the more powerful (“spirit” within)—galatians 5:17, 19, 25.
I too share your view which you put it very beautifully: "Personally i think it is a highly resonant passage with positive implications and deserves to be followed more than much of the so called original material."
Since stories are the reflection of the time in which it is written, thus real as the history, there is no reason why any story should be shunned if it contains a moral. If I were to rate, I would say John 8:1-11 is the best of all the Bible stories because it contains multiple lessons such as:
--Examine yourself before you accuse another,
--What is next is what matters, not what has happened in the past
--Humans have the power over their body--if they want they can stop sinning ...
Thus the internal evidence in its favor is overwhelming.
Isaiah 45:7 I make peace, and create evil
by pleaseresearch inwhat is your thought on this particular scripture?.
how do you think a jw would respond to this if shown?.
king james biblei form the light, and create darkness: i make peace, and create evil: i the lord do all these things..
Douay-Rheims Bible puts it “I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord that do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7)
The context of this verse is all about God rewarding Israel for obedience and punishing Israel for disobedience. And verse following (Isaiah 45:9) says: “Woe to him who quarrels with his Master” (Isaiah 45:9). In other words, it reaffirms the same truth history, all stories and all our experiences highlight that any action (productive or wasteful) will have its corresponding consequence. If you say it is God who is behind this mechanism, it is right; and if you say it is not God who is behind the mechanism, that’s also right because God is the Author of the universe and all its laws.
The problem is that Bible writers are not careful. Instead of using the words “I create evil” they could also use the words “I will cause disaster to come upon you for disobedience.” Often, the main purpose of the religious writers is not to bring clarity, but to confusion. Same is with the writer of sermon on the mount. Verses such as ‘Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin’’ give the impression that we do not have to work because we would be provided by God just like the birds are provided for by God. Writer could have written what he really meant, but he won’t. writers want their readers to draw all sorts of conflicted interpretations—which is opposite of the very purpose of communication. This is the reason why some say Scriptures are not the means of God’s communication.
"This Good news Of The Kingdom Will Be Preached In All The Inhabited Earth" ........
by smiddy3 in..".for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come" .matt.24:14.. the religion of jehovah`s witnesses kid themselves into thinking they are filling or have fulfilled this prophecy/scripture .. given that you take the jehovah`s witnesses and the international bible students association as one and the same religion , then they have been preaching their message primarily within lands that are predominantly christian based.....and certainly do not cover "all the inhabited earth " as their are many populous non christian nations nations that do not allow, even forbid any proselytizing in their lands.
i would estimate about one third of the current world population.. but that is not all .. given that you take the jehovah`s witnesses and the international bible students association as one and the same religion ,then they have about 140 years of preaching their beliefs to the public specifically to preach "this good news of the kingdom " as they claim to do in obedience to j.c.commands at matt.24:14.. take a survey no matter where you live on this planet earth of the people in your locality and if you asked them "what was the message jehovah`s witnesses left you and no one would be able to say "they told me about and explained to me the good news of the kingdom" and what it would mean to me.. no one would be able to say that .after 140 years of preaching and witnessing by what is now 8 million plus jehovah`s witnesses .. what a waste of time and energy and lives .. after 140 years of preaching what do the public know about jehovah`s witnesses ?.
they don`t take blood transfusions .
‘They are nothing other than their own project.’ They could be trusted on what they do rather than what they say/preach. They have taught the world, by their action, the “best lesson” on human relationship—‘shun everyone who disagrees with you.’
Removing scriptures and numbering
by carla inrecently there was a thread
and kairos mentioned the following-.
i am baffled that john 8:1-12 was removed from their's a verse that makes judging and shunning impossible if you claim to be christian.".
Unfortunately, they removed the best part of the scriptures.
How wise it would be if they had removed portions which are obviously uninspired such as:
1) Joshua stopping the sun and the moon.
2) Jesus and Satan going to the top of the mountain in the belief that they could see from there all kingdoms of the earth.
3) Killing of 70,000 people because David took a census.
4) Abraham being told to sacrifice his only son Issac and saying Ok without any reasoning which he did in the case of the likelihood of the death of wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah
5) Uzziah being given instant death sentence for helping theocracy………..etc
Time to remind JWs of this famous quote from CT Russell!
by stuckinarut2 inwith the ever present issue of the society seeming to run out of money, and constantly asking the flock for more donations, maybe it is time to revive this quote!.
the leaked financial dept videos that have done the rounds, clearly show the society is in desperate trouble financially.. so, where is the "almighty's hand"?
where is his ability to provide funds?
Even this indirectly honors God who put in place the omnipresent Law of Cause and Effect. In the past, a nation made the claim that they are the chosen people of God which was foiled by powerful Empires such as Babylon, Romans …etc (a fact that is well-documented in the Bible) The same thing is happening with modern-day claim of JWs.
When religious leaders exploit the ignorant in the name of God (when God is commercially used by the religion) atheists appear denying the very basis the exploiters stand on. Thus exploiters are the cause, and atheism is the consequence—again an interesting situation that indirectly honors God who put in place the omnipresent Law of Cause and Effect. When the atheists say they do not see evidence for the existence of God, they are right because they do not see the evidence for the existence of God as described by religions (not the real God who treats everyone equally by giving a perfect start and who takes care of us more than our mere sustenance).