SFPW, I am also drawn to this site because of the eclectic composition of this group. Your observations are interesting and I can see how you came up with your conclusion. What you may be missing is the fact that most people on here were at some point exactly like you and are now unified in the stance, substantiated by much difficult examination, that the organization you pledge allegiance to is simply not "the truth". Many have not left Jehovah; they left the organization. One cannot equate the former with the latter.
You said, "Instead of focusing on keeping up to date and accepting the adjusted understanding of God's organization, they choose to focus on the imperfections of those presenting the modified truths." After much observation, I would respectfully disagree. What I believe they realized is that by having to constantly modify the truth, they have never actually had the truth. As a result, the organization they were a part of cannot be God's organization. Unless you can point to a specific date after which everything stated by the organization is completely true, then you must admit that it is a lie. For what is not truth is a lie, and you know who the originator of lies is.
Of course there are many here who no longer believe in Jehovah. While you and I may personally find that troubling, you must realize that the relationship between an individual and God is just that. There is absolutely nothing biblical of an organization or any group of individuals being their mediator in this re lationship. It is Christ alone. If you would like to better understand what has occurred, you should closely examine the issues that stumbled them. Look at jwfacts.com. See what they see and really try to see it from their viewpoint. Whether you agree with their assessment is inconsequential. Understanding their plight is illuminating. It may even help you gain an appreciation for the difficulty in their decision to leave.
You may also want to ask yourself why only 8 fallible men determine your truth for you. You call your allegiance to them "humility". To me, it's a shame that you feel that God cannot teach you directly. You have clearly substituted these 8 men for Christ as your mediator. But then, if you ever really grasped that idea, your motive for being here would be different.