Let's be serious - if you really want people to have faith and to be able to now absolute truth why not perform miracles. Why not make the bible a blank book and when you open it, it addresses you personally in writing of course. For instance it says, "Hey confusedandalone this is what i need you to do." Then if I pass the bible to the next eprson standing their it says exactly what he needs to do. I mean who could dispute this??? Why not leave a personal message on a mountain saying, "He this is how you pronounce my name". No matter how you try destroy it nothing works. That would make it much easier to know that Bibkle God is true.
He did it for people back in the day but now has no reason too... yeah that makes sense.
It's like when you were 13 and that kid that says he has a 22 year old girlfriend that no one has ever seen from Canada, but he assures you she exists and they have sex everynight under the stars. You could believe him... but common sense tells you that he is lying