Terrible design for a religious center. Decent enough (not attractive, but practical) design for resale later, when the land becomes more valuable and retail centers are popping up right and left.
JoinedPosts by undercover
New kingdom hall Washington State
by Are you serious inyesterday i drove passed a town a couple of hours from my home and saw this kh under construction.
this is the first new design kh i've seen in washington state even though i would think by now another one or two have been built.
maybe not with their financial situation being the way it is.
Watch: Jehovah's Witnesses official says to destroy records because
by Tahoe in'satan's coming after us'.
screenshot from video.
shawn bartlett, the records management overseer for the jehovah’s witnesses, explains the organization’s new record-keeping policies during a 2017 seminar in britain.
one day the elders put an immediate stop to it. Lists like this, or even my friend's floppy disk with a list of names were too dangerous.
I remember similar reactions to early computer lists kept by tech savvy servants. But what's the difference between an Excel spreadsheet of JW names vs the typewritten list kept in the Super Size Book Bag Brother Pompous carried? Not much. The fear of computers was another means to induce fear of the 'world' into followers.
But this expose by the newspaper is different. This is the same paper that has been exposing JWs for their mishandling of child abuse cases. Their series of articles is damning, as well as evidence from other states, and countries. Now you have evidence of a WT official giving orders to destroy records during this same time period of facing more intense scrutiny of their child abuse cover ups. Attorneys are going to eat them alive in upcoming trials.
Upcoming Tidal Wave of Media Onslaught targeting Jehovah's Witnesses ahead...
by TerryWalstrom inat least three media venues have undertaken the daunting task of unpacking the insidious dark side of jehovah's witnesses' organization.1.
douglas quenqua is a writer based in new york.
his work has appeared in the new york times, wired, redbook, and cnbc.
Might even go so far as to have a special announcement made from the platform during the midweek meeting, as was done in 2002 or whenever it was that the "Dateline" special on child abuse aired.
I kinda remember that. I was attending the occasional meeting still, even after starting to have serious doubts, and that announcement was another 'aha!' moment. An investigative report on issues in the religion, but instead of facing them head on, the leadership warned everyone to not listen to the 'outsiders'.
Posters You Miss
by minimus inanyone that you miss from this site, dead or alive??.
i miss farkel, blondie and a host of others!.
no love for 'scholar'? ... AlanF's arch nemesis (or alter ego... I sometimes wondered)
My JW Elder Brother Passed Away
by minimus inhe was basically a good man, just a believer in the religion.
when we were both elders we were best of friends and then things deteriorated when i was not an elder for a while.
then after becoming an elder again, i slowly drifted away from the religion and he drifted further away from me.
My sincerest condolences. We've never met, only interacted on here - but reading the news made me sad, as if we were old friends.
What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?
by minimus ini remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
Most ridiculous?
That we don't have to die. Yes, we could live forever.
Let that sink in... Live forever. Never die.
And to think we actually believed that shit
April 2018 Broadcast - normal weird stuff
by Listener inwe hear a story regarding the life of thomas and emma.
she states that "when thomas and i first learnt that i was pregnant, we were both really shocked" she doesn't explain why they were both really shocked but it seems an odd reaction unless they were using the safest contraception invented or hadn't been told about the bird and the bees.two experiences that touched the heart of gb sanderson were as follows -.
in russia a jw was jailed for 6 months, the jailers did everything to try to undermine his faith, which included violence.
She states that "when Thomas and I first learnt that I was pregnant, we were both really shocked"
They know what causes that now...
The right to record your judicial committee meeting
by UnshackleTheChains inok.. we have often heard secret recordings online of jc hearings.
but, what i would like to know is if individuals are entitled to the right of officially recording their judicial hearings?.
supposing i was to attend a judicial committee and i explained up front that i would like to record the proceedings and then place a dictaphone on the table.
Forget recorders.... bring a lawyer.
July 2018 WT points
by The Fall Guy inpage 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
Sister Slit-Skirt looks pretty hot.
I think there's some wife-envy goin' on in the WT illustration-station.Please don't make me go to the JW website to see these photos. (hint hint, someone cut & paste the article and photos.. not just Sister Slit-Skirt. Curious to see the air guitarist as well)
Roll Call for the benefit of Newbies and Lurkers. In One Sentence tell why you left the Org.
by Wasanelder Once inroll call for the benefit of newbies and lurkers.
in one sentence tell why you left the org.
not 2 sentences.
607 vs 587 was the first crack that led to realizing the entire WT structure was being held up by a house of cards