From the research that Blondie has posted, it seems up till 73 that there was a probation period. And then in 73 there wasn't. So other than these "question box" answers, was this change in procedure ever outlined for everyone to know? Or were these "question box" answers the official new procedure? Most organizations whether religious, governmental, business, etc that have a major change in policy will do so with a memo, letter or some other official form. To announce the change in policy by way of a side article in the company newsletter(Kingdom Ministry) is weak.
Besides, what changed other than the terminology? You were either repentant(reproved) or unrepentant(DF'd). If repentant, it was either public reproof or private reproof. Restrictions are placed. Before you were on probation(being watched). Now you have restrictions(being watched).
If a probationary period was in line with the scriptures, are they now not in harmony with the scriptures? Or vice versa? If vice versa, are apologies warranted to those who were unscripturally under probation?
Boggles the mind after a while, huh?