I find it interesting that we have 3-4 varying opinions expressed here. There are disagreements among us on what we think is true or what we believe is happening. This is a good thing. Hearing varying viewpoints gives me something to think about. It helps me to reason and consider more than one viewpoint. Can a JW do that? Can a car load of JWs in service discuss, disagree and debate about whether a world wide flood did or did not take place? Can they discuss, disagree and debate about whether Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 or 587? Can they discuss and debate doctrine? I think we know the answer to that one.
Information is controlled. Open discussion and debate is not tolerated. Questioning and doubting are considered signs of weakness. To me that is a control issue. They are attempting to control what you think, what you believe, how you will treat others. It's not "mind control" like in a B-grade science fiction movie.
Yes, most religions do this in some form or another. Some are more controlling than others. But those religions are interested in controlling its members. Religion is a cult.