Is there anything really wrong with getting free rooms if you guarantee so many other rooms are taken?
My biggest complaint is how you were labeled unfaithful if you did not use the rooming list. I am fortunate enough to be considered a seasoned traveler and in being one, I have certain standards that I look for in hotel accomodations. Usually on these lists, there were only one or two acceptable hotels. The rest were cheap and below the standards that I was used to. According to the "counsel", if your first choices were full, then you were to proceed down the line until you found one. I refuse to stay in cheap, dirty motels when just down the street there's a luxury hotel that I can afford. I understand the Society's desire to find affordable accomodations for everyone, but shouldn't the affordable accomodations be saved for those that really need it and let those that can afford more seek their own accomodations? I never was able to see how I was grieving the spirit by staying in a hotel of my own choosing.