You will set the Elder in to trouble!!! 607 date it is wrong and when he finds that, then WT has no foundations to stand..everything it is related on that date according to their doctrine...
You have NO foundation regarding 607. The only ones that support that date are JW's . Look at Encyclopedias like Britanica, or Archeological books and the date they point out for the destruction of Jerusalim is 587.
Even it is against the Bible Chronology, and the WT in order to support their foundation they go against the Bible...
Just only one example: Zechariah 1:12 an angel says: Oh Jehovah of armies, how long will you yourself not show mercy to Jerusalim and to the cities of Judah, whom you have denounced these seventy years?
Also Zechariah 7:3 Shall I weep in the fifth month practicing an abstinence, the way I have done these 70 years...
WT admits that that was the year 517 the second year of Darius the King.
So if we add the 70 years of weeping of the Isralites we come to the year 587 that Jerusalim was destroyed.
Also the 70 years are for Babylon not for Jerusalim...Daniel 5: 25-27 says:Mene mene thekel parsin...God has numbered your days of your kingdomn and they are over...The days of the Babylonian started at 607 when they win Assyria and ended at 587 when they were occupied by persian king Kyros...
Also Jerusalim had 3 deportations with King Nabu...and after the destruction still people were living at the ruins of Jerusalim...
Jeremiah 29:4-10 Says that the should stay at Babylon(Jeramiah send a letter to the Jews in exile in Babylon 10 years before the final destruction)and he told them to stay there have kids, build houses, accord with the fulfilling of 70 years at(for)Babylon I shall turn my attention to you people and bring you back to this place..
So this words of God they would have a meaning if the 70 years start to be counted from the first deportation of Jews in Babylon, other wise there was no need to send this letter if the 70 years start 10 years after...
So Scholar next time back your proves with real solid evidence...