Don't they usually "change the names to protect the duped"?
JoinedPosts by undercover
More decption in Feb 1 WT
by why144000 inhow is this for deceptive writing.
in the feb 1 2004 watchtower under the title 'how can you satisfy your spiritual needs' the artice gives three examples of professional people who have become witnesses, a doctor, a lawyer and an architect.
all come complete with two pictures each.
Witness World Response to Apostates
by DevonMcBride inbelow is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
Your post reminded me of something I wrote down a while back:
Watchtower March 15, 1986, page 12.
?Do you wisely destroy apostate material??
What is apostate material? Anything negative about the Society?
Let?s turn it around. What about people who are warned by their church to not read Witness literature?
Watchtower June 15, 1962, page 358.
"When Jehovah's witnesses call on the homes of people in the course of their Christian educational work some persons refuse to speak with them, even rudely closing the door in their face, and others decline to read any of their publications because, as they state, their ministers forbid them to read it. Are not these people manifesting the same fear of the truth as those who refused to listen to Paul?"
If people refuse to accept or read the Society?s literature because their minister forbade it, thus fearing truth (or knowledge), then what is it when our religion forbids us from reading opposing viewpoints? Fear of truth or knowledge?
You'll die if you don't go to meetings
by Bonnie_Clyde inlast sunday's watchtower admits (p. 17) that "we are not under the mosaic law.
" but in the next paragraph it says that just as the tithing arrangement was not optional for the israelites, meeting attendance is also not optional for christians.
the first page of the february 2004 kingdom ministry tells us why.
If mature individuals would only stop asking the elders or others in the lead silly questions, they would have less hold on people!
How true.
If you look at the congregations that you are/were associated with, you'll notice that the most well-adjusted JWs are the ones who do not look for guidance on every little thing in life from the elders or the publications. A lot of JWs though can't think for themselves. They have been spoon fed everything they are to think and believe so when a problem arises they don't know how to handle it, so they go running to an elder. If people would just use some common sense and logic, think it through, they would realize that they don't need advice from the elders.
Principles are basic truths or fundamental laws from which other truths or laws can be derived.
Well, hell. That pretty much gives em carte blanche in making any ole law that they want to make. But isn't that what Jesus condemned the Jewish religious leaders for doing? -
Put in time or be disassociated!
by VM44 inin a recent thread, metatron wrote:(recent change: the inactive need to put in time or be disassociated).
when was this policy introduced!
seems rather harsh!.
You've got some points, Metatron. A very real possibility lies in what you have stated.
But if the exodus out of the WTS is as big as ex-JWs want to believe, then the 6 to 8 elders per congregation won't be able to keep up with them all. Elders have families, jobs and congregational responsibilities. The last thing they want to do is go bug people about not coming to meetings. Oh, they'll do it some, because they're told to, but after a couple of trys per inactive one they'll give up and go on with their own life. Also, if drifting ones give a good enough excuse, like health or something, for being irregular, it makes it harder to label them unappreciative, disloyal or whatever.
That's not to say that isn't what the WTS wants. They may very well want the elders to root out em out and DA em, but as we know, even the elders balk at some point to following every dictate that comes down the line, especially one that will add a burden to their schedule.
getting out in service and the GB
by seedy3 inhey folks,.
i was just doing some thinkning, and man that can be dangerious, but maybe some of the former bethel members can answer this.
how often does any of the gb ever go out door to door?
Jesus didn't go door to door, why should they?
Actually, the GB should have tons of hours if they use the pioneer tactics everyone else uses. Think about it. Give a WT to the skycap at the airport. Start your time. Fly to Brazil or someplace. Give a WT to the flight attendent. When you get there, give a WT to the cab driver. Give a WT to the bellhop at the hotel. End your time. There. You've got more hours in one day than most publishers get in a month.
Put in time or be disassociated!
by VM44 inin a recent thread, metatron wrote:(recent change: the inactive need to put in time or be disassociated).
when was this policy introduced!
seems rather harsh!.
"the Watchtower has a great capacity to teach dual opposing doctrines at the same time ... to live by two standards ... and what is said in print is not what is necessarily done in practice."
In print, as shown in earlier posts, inactive ones are just considered spiritually weak and need love, mercy, kindess and help from the strong. But go to a meeting or an assembly and the tone is different. Inactive ones or any that are falling off spiritually are doomed. Outside of trying to help inactive ones, the strong should be very wary of them.
This is what is hard to explain to someone who's never been a JW. They don't and won't ever understand. You can go to the index and look up what is in print, but if for years in the talks and assembly parts they say something different, that's what stays with you and programs your thinking. That's why so many here rememeber "rules" or "policys" that aren't really there, at least in print. But from the platform or from the CO or the assembly it has been spoken and a good many of people will take that as official policy. I think the WTS knows that too. That's why they harp on meeting attendance so much. If you don't read all the mags, fine, but if you're at all the meetings, that's where the real programming is.
Another Awake! Caption Thread
by Stephanus inhere's an awake!
cover that tries to give the impression that the demand for bloodless surgery comes from other than the dubs (strange that they should try to find support for such a "scriptural" doctrine by saying "everybody else is doing it!
here is the "blank":.
I'm not really a doctor but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
(And the WTS would still quote him as an expert)
Witness band names
by seattleniceguy inlet's have it out - what are the all-time best band names for witnesses?
i'll start it out with a couple, the first of which really is a jw band in seattle....local needsbad associationsep2ajint.
Roaring Lion
Bad Association
Seven Times
The Prophets
The False Prophets
Carrion Byrds
GEO (think about it)
The Disassociated
Apologies if I unwittingly copied somebody
Remember when they tried to ban the game "Twister"
by Singing Man inthe game twister was the only time i could touch the sisters in my hall all over their bodys, and we all had fun and did not feel like nasty little kids deserveing to be swallowed up in the crack in the earth
Man how times have changed. When you said PDA I immediately thought Personal Digital Assitant. LOL
They'll probably find some way to counsel against those too.
Why do cults focus in on 'doomsday'?
by A Paduan inthat's my question - doomsday cults - how come ?
Doesn't anybody ever develop prophetic chronology that doesn't end within their own lifetime?
There's no profit in it.
Seriously, if the world is ending tomorrow and you've got the book that will save people, you'll make millions. If the world is ending in 100 years or more and you've still got the book that will save people then, you won't make millions.