I just spent some time perusing some ex-mormon sites and discussion boards. It's damn scary how similar these two religions have coerced, deceived and lied to their followers. While their teachings are sometimes worlds apart, the tactics used by both churches to force their followers to obedience are so similar it gave me chill bumps as I read some of their experiences.
They have issues with Joseph Smith and how he founded the church and some of his "prophecies". We have issues with C T Russell and his prophecies. They have issues with later leaders. We have issues with Rutherford and later Knorr and Franz. As I read their questions and discussions, I could have easily substituted their leaders names for Russell, Rutherford, etc and it would have fit right in on this board.
Though the LDS church doesn't seem to have (that I saw anyway) a formal shunning policy, there were lots of testimonies from their ex members of being shunned for officialling leaving the church. I gathered that those who faded out were still on the "mailing" list and would receive periodic visits from their bishops. If they officially asked to have their name removed then they would no longer be bothered, but many of the members had similar stories as ones here in losing contact with their families. I think the WTS has a leg up on the LDS church in this area. The JWS OFFICIALLY shun former members, thus keeping people more people in line.
The LDS church "discourages" reading or viewing dissenting information. Much of their argument for not reading "apostate" info mirrored the reasons the WTS gives its members. I found it slightly amusing that if the Mormon church knows that it has the truth and the JWs know they have the truth, but neither can discuss it with each other how will we ever really know?
The LDS church forbids alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. They got the dubs there. JWs forbid tobacco. Can either church give scriptural reasons for this policy?
There were many other similar things but the one that stood out the most (and was the most amusing) was the fact that while ex-JWs like to refer to the "organization" as the "Borg" referencing the Star Trek series, the ex-Mormons liked to call the LDS church the "Morg". Hilarious.