So those true believes have two dilemmas: Biblically tie Jesus' statement about the Gentile Times tying in with Daniel 4. If you can't do that, the whole 1914 theology collapses. Second, Biblically tie the year 607 BC as being the year Jerusalem was crushed by Nebuchadnezzer. If you can't do that, the whole 1914 theology collapses.It's not just about dates, folks. It's more importantly about the "Gentile Times." If the Gentile Times does not Biblically tie to Daniel 4, it is meaningless to talk about dates.
Another reason the date doesn't matter: Neither date works with what the WTS says about how to calculate the end of the Gentile Times.
Let's say the WTS is right. Just for giggles. The temple was destroyed in 607. How do you get to 1914 from 607? Well, the seven times prophecy. What's a time? According to the WTS a time is 360 days. How do you get seven? I don't remember, suffice it to say the WTS says so. (I don't have all my references handy, so I'm going by memory. No scriptures, no WTS references). Well, if a time is 360 days, the seven times would be 2520 days. Now, that doesn't add up to 1914, does it? But wait. According to the WTS, there is a Bible rule about a year for a day, so then the seven "times" would be 360 x 7 = 2520 years. 2520 years from 607 equals 1914. Simple, right?
WRONG! 607 to 1914 is 2520 years of 365 days. It's already been establised that a "time" is 360 days. You can't change the constant. So the seven times is 2520 "times" or years of 360 day years. The difference is about 35 years. It doesn't add up to 1914.
How many other reasons does one need to see that 1914 is bogus?