I knew a CO that gave up a lucrative career in some highly technological field. He was a smart cookie and extremely nice guy, but highly motivated. Before becoming a CO he had been pioneering when possible and serving where the need was great when he could. After his last kid was grown he decided to follow the WTS direction at giving full-time pioneering a try. His background lended itselt to the highly structured and organized lifestyle of the COs life and because he was used to speaking in front of large groups of people, it wasn't long before he was being groomed for COship. Eventually he sold his house and most possesions and made the jump to the traveling work.
I remember his visits because a lot of COs talked the talk but had never really walked the walk of giving up house and home and security to do the traveling work. Most of them grew up as JWs and went to Bethel or pioneered never really owning anything. Who were they to tell us how easy it was to give up everything to pioneer? But this guy was different. He actually gave up house, home and possesions. And he owned more than most of us ever figured we would own. So when he preached about giving up materialism he wasn't just preaching, he was talking from experience.
This guy could probably go back to the work force without much trouble, but I think most of the Bethel raised COs that would try to go into the workforce would have to rely on jobs that would be somewhat beneath someone who was used to organizing and leading hundreds of people in canvassing sales and construction work. I think that many would end up working for a JW owned business to make ends meet.