During a recent C.O. visit, the latest itinerant from the Society seemed a bit subdued as he talked about the difficulties
of his employment. Every three years or so, he has to change addresses, registrations, and so forth and move along.
It made me wonder if these guys are starting to feel stuck in their jobs.
Most C.O's I've known would make excellent field reps or PR guys or company salesmen. Unfortunately, many of these
positions require a college degree, even in small firms.
After a while, the power trip of commanding window washers, 'cheese- cracker men' and spirit appointed nepotists
must wear rather thin. Add to that the strain of being 'on stage' all the time and I can see that this is not a desirable
way of life at all. I once told one C.O. he would make a really good salesman, if wanted to leave.
He seemed a bit taken aback. I later heard he left circuit work and 'wasn't doing well'.
maybe they just need real jobs and all that talk against education and materialism is partly aimed
at keeping themselves convinced.