Stefanie, missed ya hon. We haven't shared the same threads lately.
See someone from here did miss ya.
Stefanie, missed ya hon. We haven't shared the same threads lately.
See someone from here did miss ya.
i got this idea from the thread about fun.
you know, today is different, i have some good memories from years ago, cake after bookstudys, kiddie parties, intermissions, mcdonalds for break at field service.
happy elders who would tease me as a little girl and carry me from door to door.
Of course, the reality of how they reacted when presented with information that challenged them has rather changed the quality of those memories. I now have friends that can talk about just as cool subjects, but who don't have an invisible fence preventing them from thinking about...oh, most of the cool topics in the universe. At the same time, I think about how cool my old friends would be if they could just unentangle their brains from the borg.
Isn't it amazing how JWs have their head stuck in the sand? Even though I had some good friends in the borg, there was always taboo subjects. Some things are never discussed, period. If someone attempted to speak of some "evil" then the subject was changed or the gathering ended. It's easy for everyone to get along if you can't discuss differences in anything.
With friends and acquaintances that I've made outside the borg, it's so different. We can sit and actually debate issues. We can disagree. We make a case for our argument. We even get upset sometimes. But it never hurts the friendship. It has helped me to be more tolerant of others and other viewpoints. Sometime I have to change my stance because of a good argument by the other person. As a JW, I never had to do that, because we were all of like mind. We all agreed so therefore we all had to be right.
Alas for them, for the first time in twenty years I would no longer be on call.
As the late great Warren Zevon said, "I'll sleep when I'm dead".
I would at least miss your avatar StinyPantz.
the other day, i was in my car and this hauntingly poignant song came on the radio.........the feelings it evoked were so deep and exquisite, i just wanted to share the words with you here.........anyone heard this song and care to comment on it?.
streets of philadelphia.
It's become a popular sport of people (usually on the young side of generationX) more interested in what the crowd thinks than what is, to make light of Bruce Springsteen's talent.
It's one thing to not care for a particular artist or style of music but to laugh off someone as talented as Springsteen is just plain ignorance. I've noticed people my age and younger who make fun of his looks, his style, his music. I don't get it, the guy is a genius. I rank him right up there with Dylan. You don't have to like Dylan to appreciate his talent and impact on the world of music. The same with Springsteen.
If anyone is just a casual fan of Springsteen, splurge and go see him in concert. It'll be one of the best shows you'll ever see.
The Boss can write some of the most depressing songs.Yep. Listen to the album "The Rising" and you'll relive 9/11 all over again. But he also writes some very uplifting songs and some great rocking road trip songs. They just get lost in the others because he really does have a knack for expressing sorrow and depression in words and music.
If you're talking about here on JWD, nope, not at all. I come and go and nobody notices at all. Us undercover agents are sneaky that way.
In the real world, my family and a few close friends would notice. Some that might notice might be glad I'm gone, LOL.
the simpsons are the longest running sitcom in television history.
but who performs the voices on the show?
some are easy, some are difficult and some are obscure.
Don't forget that Kelsey Grammar is the voice for Sideshow Bob.
And Phil Hartman did a bunch of voices in the first few seasons before he died. "Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such movies as...."
i got this idea from the thread about fun.
you know, today is different, i have some good memories from years ago, cake after bookstudys, kiddie parties, intermissions, mcdonalds for break at field service.
happy elders who would tease me as a little girl and carry me from door to door.
Yep, the good times that I remember were with people, not places or things for the most part.
I remember fun at the assemblies, not because we were at the assembly but because we had fun despite being at the assembly. I remember more about the bars/restaurants and the friends that I was with at out-of-town assemblies than I do about the assemblies themselves.
Assemblies and KH meetings have all run together into one long bad experience. It was impossible to have a good time at the hall. There was always some prude or stick in the mud that made life miserable for everybody. There was always some pompous ass elder who lorded it over everybody. There was always some nosy gossip monger in the crowd. How can you have fun when your watching your back constantly? I can't remember one good time that I had during a meeting itself. Listen, read, comment (and occassionaly sleep). That's what meetings consisted of. But, before and after meetings were a social directory for me for years. It was were we met to plan our weekends or parties. The good times were away from the meetings. I remember good times at peoples homes, at the movies/clubs/restaurants, on vacations with friends from the hall. I had some good times with some good friends. I still have some of those friends who have not judged me because I am inactive. And I still have those good times with them, I just don't have to sit through several meetings a week in a suit to plan our fun.
a few might remember that i arranged to meet with the elders for a chat, and i hoped it might let me get off a bit steam.
it went great!
Everytime I read a transcript of a meeting with elders it gives me a headache.
Nothing agains you Gadget. You did a fine job. You held your ground and didn't get flustered or anything like that. But at the same time, you didn't make a dent in them either. They left with the same opinion of you, if not worse, than when they came in. Not that anyone can expect anything different from a conversation with elders like that. They're brainwashed. If they ever come around, it will take a series of events to wake them up.
But as I said before, those things give me a headache. They don't let you finish a thought, they interupt, they change subjects, they beat around the bush, they know everything and you know nothing. It's like being a Bush supporter on Bill Maher's HBO show. You ain't gonna get to explain yourself or finish your point.
If I've learned anything about these situations, it's best to pick one subject and beat it to death. Don't let em jump around or create red herring arguments. They usually come in thinking they know everything, then let them answer everything they think they know about one subject at a time and don't let them get out of it. When they try to change the subject, remind them that you aren't satisfied with answers to the first question yet. I've learned to stick with things that are in print by the WTS themselves. Changes in doctrine, failed dates and prophecies. The UN/NGO scandal. Personal experiences or he said/she said issues usually just cloud the doctrinal issues. They'll claim imperfection on those cases and plead you to not blame Jehovah. If you can use the WTS own words against them, they have no argument. Of course, it'll end up just as all meeting with elders end up, them looking down on you as inferior and led astray by apostate thinking.
this is a three fold question, what do you feel is your best phyiscal feature and what is your best personality quality?
if you want you can add what you first notice about others, in the positive.. women have told me they really like my eyes, their hazel blue/green.
people in general tell me i'm very enthusiastic!
I've been told that I have "bedroom eyes". So if I start eyeing you apostobabes in a bar sometime, look out.