Parent: "Where does Jehovah live?"Child: Finger points up.
Which finger?
the publications are filled with stupid comments.
elders and others have made some rather dumb statements too.'s what one elder wanted to do to a brother that committed suicide.
Parent: "Where does Jehovah live?"Child: Finger points up.
Which finger?
convicted rapist arrested again in u-district attack.
august 24, 2004 .
He could also be a former Alcoholic, Drug Addict, Fornicator, Smoker, Violent, Gang Member, Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Prostitute, Politician, Soldier.
Do any of those listed above have to register themselves with local authourities as convicted of these "crimes" so that members for the public can be aware of their presence in their neighborhood? Point is, that argument is stupid.
No one cares if the minister at your door is a former smoker. No one cares if they served in the military. Oh no, look out! A former soldier is at the door! Hide!
Your point about putting on the new personality is okay, but don't resort to stupid analogies to try to validate the participation of convicted sex offenders in the door to door ministry.
i am not too sure if anybody already mentioned this: .
over 300,000 russians sign petition to president putin.
protesting moscow ban on jehovah's witnesses .
I wonder how much influence 315,000 signatures from a group of people who don't vote will have on a politician?
That's priceless.
lol...this one kills me.
again this year brothers had to walk the halls carrying signs that said "quiet please" everyone just ignores these poor embarrassed brothers.
the assemblay is going on and yet the halls are full of ppl walking, visiting, cruisin'.
I admit it. I was one of those dumb MSs that stood around holding a "quiet" sign.
But it did have its advantages. Remember it was the "weak" ones who wandered the halls during the sessions. That meant packs of younger ones wandering around. In these packs were hotties who dressed to impress and wanted to be noticed. I obliged them by watching them closely each time they walked by.
let me explain.
i have been inactive for about 3 years now, i just walked away.
i was quiet at first but as i began to find out more and more about the deceptions of the wt, i have been more and more vocal in my viewpoints to my parents and former jw friends.. this past month has been very busy for me.
Welcome to the board, thisisme.
You said,
Do you even know the story behind the organization being part of the U.N.???
I've read the newspaper articles, I've read the Society's official response and I've read the UN's response. Unfortunately, the Society's statement and the UN's statement don't collaborate. I can substantiate what the UN claims, however, I can't substantiate what the Society claims.
You ask that question as if you know something that justifies the Society becoming associated with the Image of the Wild Beast. If you know the story behind the Society's being an NGO of the UN, I'd love to hear it. Please share with us.
i wonder what policies he was talking about?.
jehovah's witnesses to support government .
Intersting that NGOs were mentioned.
Anyway, I think they mean support by giving Caeser's things to Caeser. They recognize and obey, but will remain neutral in politics.
If you aren't trying to overthrow the government and you obey the laws, then I guess you can say you support the government.
Typical double speak of the WTS. We recognize governments and obey, but God's still gonna destroy you. Nyaah.
this is a pic looking down on the lot of my new house from the second story window of another new house.
when finished it will be 2005 square feet and one story.. .
in the foreground is the back of the house and in the distance will be the front of the house.
Congrats on the new house. Looks like a nice neighborhood.
minimus stated in another thread that 99% of newly baptized jws are children/teens of jws.
another poster said that they knew of only one person baptized in 20 years of door to door work.. let's do an informal, unscientific poll/survey:.
how many here were brought into the "truth", whether baptized or unbaptized publishers, by means of the door to door work having no prior experience with jws?
I'm more interested in how many (or not) were reached by strictly door to door work. I know of only two people who were brought in by the door to door work. Everyone else either was raised in it, knew a JW on the job or was a relative.
I guess we could break it down to:
1. door to door contact
2. informal contact (school, work, neighbors, etc)
3. raised by parents or introduced to the religion by other family members.
I too was raised in it.
minimus stated in another thread that 99% of newly baptized jws are children/teens of jws.
another poster said that they knew of only one person baptized in 20 years of door to door work.. let's do an informal, unscientific poll/survey:.
how many here were brought into the "truth", whether baptized or unbaptized publishers, by means of the door to door work having no prior experience with jws?
Minimus stated in another thread that 99% of newly baptized JWs are children/teens of JWs. Another poster said that they knew of only one person baptized in 20 years of door to door work.
Let's do an informal, unscientific poll/survey:
How many here were brought into the "truth", whether baptized or unbaptized publishers, by means of the door to door work having no prior experience with JWs?
this just popped in my head, wondering what to say if a jw came to the door.
if you asked them politly to take the trash out (you bring it to the door for them so you don't have to invite them in), would they?
they are there to give a good witness, right?
O man, I just had a flashback, thanks to your question.
I remember when I was about 10 or 11 in service, a lady came to the door, declined our mags and then asked me to hang her American flag for her off the front porch. Totally blew me away. I just stammered that I wasn't allowed to do that and started backing away - quickly. She kept asking why I couldn't and I just kept walking away. She knew, I know she knew. She got me good. God, I forgot all about that. Wow.