you know what just hit me? we're debating the dialogue of a story that has been proven time and time again to be completely fictitious. next, why don't we debate what luke skywalker really meant in his first line from star wars.
You're absolutely right, Doog my man. I agree. It's a bedtime story.
It kills me that people think that it really happened and that they can tell so much from it. Read it without outside influence and the perceptions of the Christian's idea of how it happened shows up to be in error.
Satan is clearly the bad guy throughout the bible .Well, yea if you read the bible as a novel. There's the good guy and the bad guy. God's the good guy, Satan's the bad guy. But going back to doogie's Star Wars example, Darth Vader was clearly the bad guy in the movie....but, he repesented the empire. Luke, Leia and Obiwan were rebels fighting to overthrow the empire. So who really was the bad guy? Rebels who fight to overthrow the existing government are usually not held in high esteem, but in the context of the movie, the rebels were good and the empire was bad. If you look at the Bible the same way you can make the same argument for or against both main characters.