I'm new too... to this forum, anyway! So welcome to you (and me too!)
I was born in the ominous year of 1975 and to my JW mother's amazement, have grown up to be a adult, married, and have children, all before "the end." LOL! I found the mental strength to leave back in 1995, between my sophomore and junior years in college. My first trip out onto the www and meeting other ex-JWs online was SUCH a relief and reassurance that I wasn't alone. I found Kent's Watchtower Observer and just cried tears of joy!
I've been DA'd since 1997 - leaving was at once the hardest and yet the easiest thing I ever did. I was only 20 when I truly "left" and it was my whole lifetime I'd spent as a JW, but I applaud and deeply admire the courage it takes for people to leave after 10, 20, 30, more years of their ADULT lives spent dedicated to the Borg. Wow.
Viki, happy to free...