Me and my Mom had this discussion. She would constantly quote the passage about tongues rotting out of peoples mouths and thier eyeballs rotting in the socket and I would think, Jeez that is a little much. No doubt painful... probably moreso then being burned alive. Why would a good that doesn't like child sacrifice and is so loving cause this to happen. What would make him think in such a way.
Her insane response was his thoughts are higher than our thoughts........................ well now that doesnt seem sensible does it.
She even went so far as to say that God will amke sure that they know why they are dying, so split seconds before they die he will put some thought in thier minds to let them know that he is killing them.. "Jehovah of Armies".
What would a loving creator gain from that. A thinking person would realize nothing - brainwashed cult members see it the opposite.