I notice the sexist language of the Watchtower a lot more these days. Is it on the increase or am I simply more tuned into to noticing it now?
For example this statement in the June Kingdom Ministry:
If we are observant and familiar with the content of the magazines, we can choose something from either the Watchtower or Awake! that will interest the householder. For example if we see children's toys in or around the home, we may choose to highlight an article about family life. If a man comes to the door, we might decide to feature a subject that many men are interested in, such as good government.
I almost laughed out loud when I heard that at the meeting. The brother conducting the part also noticed it because he felt compelled to add his own comment that many women are also interested in good government of course. The Watchtower's casual sexism is an embarrassment to most well adjusted people nowadays. What's interesting about this example is that it's nothing doctrinal, or about so-called headship, or based on a sexist scripture. It's male chauvinism pure and simple.
Has anyone else got good examples of lazy sexism in the literature?