" Do they own their own house? If so they can turn it over to you in return for you clearing the debts.
They literally own nothing except a truckload of old publications going back to the 50's and some avon products
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
" Do they own their own house? If so they can turn it over to you in return for you clearing the debts.
They literally own nothing except a truckload of old publications going back to the 50's and some avon products
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
Thanks guys for all the kind words. Very appreciative here.
I have to say though that I have kind of begun to just look at them with pity. They are trapped - yet they feel I am the one backed up in a corner.
They are the only ones with things to lose. I plan on leaving to go to my wifes cousins home for a birthday party. I plan to drink and have a good time. Eat some birfday cake and then who knows what else. The freedom of not being trapped by archaic rules is truly liberating.
This particular incident which is just growing by the day has become something of a comedy to me... all I see are people who are no longer in full control of their minds - they recognize it to, but they like it. So how can I feel sorry for them?
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
" .I am not close to my brother either (for different reasons) and not having contact actually feels better."
I know the feeling. Every conversation seems to be forced like neither of us wants to be there - but we have to muddle through it.
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
" There may be some ex-JWs who would refuse to pay the parents' debt in this case and let the super-spiritual brother deal with his own mess"
This is how I feel at the moment. The problem is when looking at a 75 year old man and wife who's online income is Social Sercurity, you feel bad.
I said file for bankruptcy... his response is, "I have to let my yes mean yes... i made the bills so I have to pay for them". There is always some Watchtower rule to keep you in a state of want / need and that your only hope for joy is to wait for the New System when all this oppression is gone. Freaking pathetic.
I honestly just wish someone would disfellowship me already. I mean it just seems like it makes life easier LOL
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
OnTheWayOut - 3 Days ago my dad asked me to go fishing... Instead he decides to bring me back to the house and show me the credit card bills they have and why they can no longer pay them... HE IS 75 years old!!! He wants to borrow 10k and will pay me back 100 a month.(Like He will possibly live long enough to pay it)
He specifically stated in nearly the same words that my brother die, "If you get put out before I borrow the money I am afraid of what it will do to my relationship with Jehovah".
So in essence he wants me to hurry up and fork over money so that he can accept it with a clean conscience...
These are the same people who never bought me a bike as a kid, but bought him everything he needed to stay in the FULLTIME MINISTRY. When I got my first real job after leaving BETHEL i paid their full rent and various other things. When I got married they never paid for anything and never bought me a gift. I have never recieved an anniversary gift after 13 years of marriage. I owe them nothing. Still, I was willing to do this. Yet I will not be rushed into it over some stupid cult technicality about getting the money before an arbitrary event occurs. I told him I am no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses by declaration so he should be SHUNNING me already. They want the money though.
Minds poisoned to that degree by this cult generally can not be salvaged. It isd sickening
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
James I am sure he will literally never speak to me again. I have no reason to think his personality would change.
Back about 20 years ago when I was put on public reproof he wouldn't speak to me - so I am sure he is gone. I don't really mind though because he is a prick
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
He and his wife gave up pioneering. They are working toward the circuit work AGAIN...
My parents wont even bother asking him because they do not want to HINDER him.
Yet they will harrass me for anything and everything else freaking pathetic
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
@OTWO I asked my parents if they asked him and he told him that he has "obligations" and he can't help them... They spent 20 years of thier lives and the little bit of money they had helping this idiot from his pioneering to his Bethel to his special pioneering... Now he acts like he can't do anything for them when they are in thier mid-seventies. He is worthless.
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
this is the exchange of text messages I had with my super spiritual brother. It is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that I have no connection to these people anymore. I feel free today. Whatever happens with this organization I could care less. Those in it who want nothing to do with me regardless of who they are - they are not my friends so I am not concerned about them or their lives.
I do not feel sorry for them anymore. They choose this life and they get what they deserve for ignoring reality.
Him : Hey ******* what's up
Me: nuthin...
Him : Good job with the grammer.
Me: My misspelling was on purpose... "a" isn't next to "e" but whatever. What is up?
Him : I wanted to find out where you at with the truth.
Me: I am not part of that organization any longer, I have told you all this multiple times.
Him : Well I think you need to do more to make that clear. It is killing mom and dad. others are asking. I informed your elders 3 months ago and no action? Are you concealing things from them?
Me: ... no. more importantly i don't care what you think. Just so you know
Him : After some prayerfull considaration I realized that maybe this is taking so long because it is giving you time to assist mom and dad with their bills. Maybe Jehovah is allowing them this blessing before you are disfellowshipped? Have you ever thought of that?
Me: So you are suggesting that Jehovah is holding back my discipline to allow me time to give my parents 10k to pay off bills they racked up paying your way through Bethel and pioneering and the car they bought for you? That sounds about right to me.
********* 2 hours later************
Him : So is that a yes?
Me: Is what a yes?
Him : Are you giving them the money? Dad is in a bind and he is worried that if you get disfellowshipped before you give him the money that his conshints with Jehovah will be marred. What is wrong with you, can you imagine how that will make him feel if he has to borrow monies from a disfellowshiped child?
Me: Ok... "conshints".
Him : Spellcheck must have done that
Me: Really??? Anyway I should be sorry because they mismanaged money and find themselves in a bind? I should feel bad because I am upsetting them by not being in your organization? I guess that only makes sense, I am the mentally diseased one here. If anyone should be mad here it should be you, public school has done a number on you.
Him : No need for insults. We need to know whether yo uwill help them or not. This isn't a game. Jehovah is allowing his kindness to be shown to you for a little longer.
Me: You help them. They like you. It won't bother their "conshintses"and it will be in line with your organizations arrangements. You have called me "mentall diseased" you called me "evil". You said I have become a "tool of the Devil" and yet you want me to work within the kindness of Jehovah and give them evil apostate money? That sounds as crazy as the new faithful and discreet slave teaching / understanding / new light
Him : Are you done?
Me: With what?
Him : These games?
Me: Lol sure, why not.
Him : Just so you know I called Brother ******** and told him about how far you have gone.
Me: It is funny he saw me in the liquor store a week ago purchasing some cigars and all he asked me was how I was doing. I told him I was fine and he left. I thnik they are busy with more pressing things like trying not be be blinded by all this new light. Not to mention the fact that it must take a long time to make it really make sense.
*********************** about an hour later***********************
Him: This will be my last comunication with you. I see your mind has been taken over by evil. As 2 john 10, 11 shows you have abandoned the teaching of the faithful slave. You are lostt. I pray with time you will come to your senses but the time left is reduced. DO NOT DELAY. We truly hope that you will get yourself together and turn to Jehovah "who forgives in his own large way". I love you and wish you the best as you continue your path in life.
Me: First 2 John 10,11 has nothing to do with the teachings of Watchtower. I am not lost, you are lost. You can't formulate a thought without sticking in a sentence pulled directly from a Watchtower. The time left is reduced???Again a typical Watchtower quote. Do not delay... yet another Watchtower quote. Turning to Jehovah who "FORGIVES IN HIS OWN LARGE WAY". Bro that is from an old songbook... get with the new light!!!
Me: I wish you all the best as well. So long / farewell / auf Wiedersehen Goodbye
from my memory and shortened for highlights [my comments in brackets.
i found the whole interview astonishing]:.
"sister x-, you've been a baptized servant of jehovah since 1972.. you must have seen a lot since that time".
"Never mind that the leaders of the WTBTS were wrong about their own alleged prophetic identity for nearly 100 years!!!"
Mentioning this however only gets them deeper rooted in their love for this "faithful slave"
If he would have said "Faithful Slave" or "the organization god is using" one more time I may have hit him