Had Co visit this week...very interesting...about this dangerous world. Yesterday he revealed the meaning of Ps 91. Here are my notes on it if yer interested.
Ps 91:1-3 - Anyone Dwelling in the secret place of the Most high, will procure himself lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty one. I will say to Jehovah "You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I trust". For he himself will deliver you from the trap of the birdcatcher. From the pestilence causing adversities.
The secret place of the most high is a figurative place of refuge - under Jehovahs shadow
The trap of the birdcatcher is Satan - the birdcatcher, the trap - the world and all it schemes. Cross reference Jeremiah 5:26. Birdcatcher studied each type of bird and their patterns and set various traps accordingly. So Jah will protect us if we are under his shadow by warning us of satans tricks....thru the bible.
Pestilence of adverisities is world nationalism - truly a pestilence of hate. Causing adversity in predjudice, wars, hate crime, tax burdens to fund weaponry.
Ps 91:4 - With his pinions he will block approach to you and under his wings you will take refuge. His trueness will be a large shield and bullwark.
If we live to Jah's standards in trueness, he will be a protection, large shield etc from Satans attacks.Cross reference Ps 121:5-8
Ok so at this point Satans trap for birdcatching is this whole, sorry world and all it promotes.....there is freedom in the truth where as in the world it is a restrictive, vicious cycle.
Ps 91:5-6 - You will not be afraid of anything dreadful by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day. Nor of the pestilence that walks in the gloom, nor of the destruction that despoils at midday.
Anything dreadful at night is the schemes this world throws at us and the arrow that flies by day is verbal attacks. We won't cower in the face of the world and it's traps. Cross reference Ps 64:3-5.
Pestilence that walks in the gloom is the world in in regards to the plague of spiritual darkness - Jah's purposes and requirements - they are in a fog so to speak
The destruction that spoils at midday is human intellectualism and advancement - the enlightenment of mankind. Man is putting faith in his own hands rather than Jah. This can cause destruction of spirituality. Cross reference 1 Tim 6:20.
Ps 91:7-10 - A thousand will fall at your very side and ten thousand will not come near. Only with your eyes will you look on and see the retribution itself of the wicked ones. Because you said "Jehovah is my refuge you have made the most high himself your dwelling. NO calamity will befall you and not even a plague will draw near to your tent.
Ok so this means we don't fall prey to the traps because we are aware of them under Jah's direction and can only look with our eyes. And if we stay under Jah's shadow no calamity will befall us. Draw away from the world and we will be protected from its plagues.
Ps 91:11-12 - For he will give his own angels a command concerning you. To guard you in all your ways. Upon their hands they will carry you that you may not strike your foot against any stone.
The angels have in the past intervened in the lives of faithful witnesses for Jah's purpose. Angels have been commanded to protect Jah's people. Guarded from stumbling spiritually if we stay close to Jah.
Ps 91:13 - Upon the young lion and the cobra and you will tread. You will trample down the maned young lion and the big snake.
The young lion and the cobrad, maned young lion, big snake is of course Satan![/]. Cross reference Genensis and 1 Peter - mentions snake and lion respectively.
Ps 91:14-16 - Because on me he has set his affection. I shall also provide him with escape. I shall protect him because he has come to know my name. He will call upon me and I shall answer him. I shall be with him in distress. I shall rescue him and glorify him. With length of days I shall satisfy himm and I shall cause him to see slavation by me.
Jah will provide escape [i]if we stay close to him and seek refuge by staying loyal and keeping integrety to Jah and following all his commandments. Every one who calls on the name of Jah(in faith) will be saved - Romans 10:11-13. Our biggest problem is spiritual calamity - such as apostasy....
Dwell in the secret place of Jah and he will protect you - listen to all that he has instructed us to do and Satan won't be able to catch us in his birdtrap - we'll be wise to him.
Interesting huh? I was engrossed with the speaker.
Can I have opinions please?
[i]Mad Cow signing off!