Why did the Watchtower pick age 80?
Why not set 70 for the cutoff age?
Also, wasn't Moses 80 when he met Pharoah and led Israel out of Egypt?
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Why did the Watchtower pick age 80?
Why not set 70 for the cutoff age?
Also, wasn't Moses 80 when he met Pharoah and led Israel out of Egypt?
i have been reading this forum for umpteen years and have heard of so many ways that the watchtower is making money.. .
would you mind contributing to help me compile a list?.
to start:.
Stock market?
we had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
It appears that the Assembly experiences are simply stories made up to tell the audience.
There is no guarantee that the stories are true.
"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story."
the study article imitate the faith of moses study article, is the same old blah that they always have.
moses, a guy who lived 4000 years ago, did.
something when he was 40 years old when he was in egypt and when he was in the wilderness at the burning bush, an angel communicated with him.. .
"But we have
Jehovah, Bible students, and spiritual goals."
This Pioneer lives in a Watchtower fantasy world.
The Jehovah she mentions is in reality the Watchtower Organization.
The Bible Students she mentions are in reality Watchtower Publication students
The spirtiual goals she mentions are in reality goals recommened by the Watchtower.
(Where is the world "Pioneer" mentioned in the Bible? The usage of the word is a creation of the Watchtower)
"unless we abide by the direction of the governing body, gods own representatives, then we are wicked, and will be part of the destroyed people as described in zephaniah".
"Yes indeed...these were the quotes from the pt today.
given by a brother from bethel too"
That explains it.
Bethel, the Center of Governing Body worship.
im discussing things online with people and i keep forgetting that they havent' always had the gb and that there was a time that it was just a president or whatever.
when did that change?
Now the GB has been identified as the "Faithful and Discreet Slave," replacing the Anointed Remnant on earth who used to be considered the FDS.
"unless we abide by the direction of the governing body, gods own representatives, then we are wicked, and will be part of the destroyed people as described in zephaniah".
"...the governing body, gods own representatives,..."
Has that appeared in print?
The Catholics view the Pope as God's representative on earth.
The speaker has elevated the Governing Body to Pope status!
The JWs simply have a composite body of men instead of one individual.
Except when Charles Russell and Judge Rutherford were "taking the lead" in the Organzaiton, they were looked upon as God's mouthpiece.
But even then, a JW would say that a person who is "taking the lead" is not the leader of a group.
my dad came into the jw's because someone studied the "creation" book with him.
it pains me deeply that he sent me an e-mail recently saying that to keep the peace with my mom, he will stop communicating with me as much as possible.
i should communicate with him only if i have an emergency.. it upsets me to no end, but i cannot do anything or much about it.
From Harry Peloyan's life story.
"When I arrived back in the United States and was released from the navy, I had one year of school to finish at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I graduated after that year and got my degree,..."
What Harvard degree? Can anyone find out when it was awarded and also in what subject?
It is very interesting that Harry Peloyan does not state what his major was at Harvard.
my dad came into the jw's because someone studied the "creation" book with him.
it pains me deeply that he sent me an e-mail recently saying that to keep the peace with my mom, he will stop communicating with me as much as possible.
i should communicate with him only if i have an emergency.. it upsets me to no end, but i cannot do anything or much about it.
Harry Peloyan, the author of the Creation book, graduated from Harvard university according to his life story.
It would be interesting to find out when he graduated and especially what was his major.
Edited to add comment.
I tried looking up "Peloyan" in an online Harvard Alumni directory, but his name was not to be found.
Why is it so hard to find any information about this man?
my dad came into the jw's because someone studied the "creation" book with him.
it pains me deeply that he sent me an e-mail recently saying that to keep the peace with my mom, he will stop communicating with me as much as possible.
i should communicate with him only if i have an emergency.. it upsets me to no end, but i cannot do anything or much about it.
Barbara Anderson posted a letter she received from the Peloyans.
She also presented a photo of Harry and Rose, so you can see how they appeared.