what about Thermonuclear Fusion Power Reactors?
They use Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen.
There is enough deuterium in the world's oceans to last
practically forever.
Of course, a practical fusion reactor has to be designed first.
good news alternative energy .
while on the subject, we could already start to reduce and eventually eliminate oil, at least to the point where we would only need to use our own resources and may buy oil from mexico and russia.. solar: while seemingly forgotten, this is still a growing industry.
solar assist panels for homes are still selling.
what about Thermonuclear Fusion Power Reactors?
They use Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen.
There is enough deuterium in the world's oceans to last
practically forever.
Of course, a practical fusion reactor has to be designed first.
the resolution.
we jehovah's witnesses, met together in [city, state, country], in one of the "everlasting good news" assemblies being held in a continuous chain around the whole world this year of 1963, do this day declare and resolve as follows:.
2 that the one living and true god, the creator of heaven and earth, whose name is jehovah, is the only god whom we fear and glorify.
That resolution reads like the rantings of a lunatic!
The people attending actually said "AYE" to that?
There must have been a large sign at the convention entrance.
"Check Your Brain Here Before Entering"!
I wonder if any witness has ever had the nerve to shout "NAY!"
to one of those assembly resolutions? If any ever did, the WT
could not say the resolution was passed unanimously. There would
go the One-Mindness of the Organization!
major news folks.. i have obtained the dpi directory for 1999/2000, published by the un's dpi in 1999. i have copied 19 relevant pages of this document.
lloyd barry's name and ciro's name are both mentioned.
also it gives the criteria etc.
The Watchtower British branch is already explaining this whole UN issue away by saying
they become a UN NGO member because they wanted to get a UN library card.
here is something that is interesting:.
"a research paper on the major doctrines and.
doomsday apocalypticism of the watchtower organization".
Here is something that is interesting:
By Dr. Phillip Gray.
< http://unity-in-christ.org/Español/witnesses.htm
-- VM44
Note Added: Some browsers don't like the above address, if it doesn't work,
use Faraon's link, which is:
< http://unity-in-christ.org/Español/witnesses.htm
I think this report is worth downloading.
what does it mean to be spiritual?
does it mean a person's thinking is mostly about spiritual things?.
what if the spiritual concepts that a person has are incorrect,.
What does it mean to be Spiritual?
Does it mean a person's thinking is mostly about spiritual things?
What if the spiritual concepts that a person has are incorrect,
nonsensical and Fictitious? Does it matter? I think it does.
Jesus said those worshiping him must do so with "Spirit and Truth"
This implies that people could have "Spirit" but not "Truth"
A so-called "Mature Spiritual" person could well be nothing more
than a person deeply in a psychological state of self-deception.
I believe that most of the Jehovah's witnesses, the publishers,
the elders, circuit overseers, and right on up to the members of
the Governing Body are in a state of pseudo-Spiritual self deception.
some thoughts..... it is said that rutherford, after leaving prison in 1918, vowed.
to get rid of "creature worship".
too many bible students were.
Some thoughts....
It is said that Rutherford, after leaving prison in 1918, vowed
to get rid of "creature worship". Too many Bible Students were
showing too much devotion to the memory of the man, Charles Russell.
With this the goal of removing creature worship, the articles
in the Watchtower, which had often included the name of the writer,
started to be anonymously written
EXCEPT.....All the books published by the Watchtower Society
during the 1920s and 1930s were all written by "The Judge" himself!
Right on the title page of the books would be listed Joseph Rutherford
as the author, and usually there followed his name a list of all the other
books he had written.
When Rutherford gave a public talk, the advertisements read "HEAR
"JUDGE" RUTHERFORD SPEAK"...Yes, they included the title "Judge"
That title gave extra importance to Rutherford.
And there is more....Special portable phonograph players were made
so that the Rutherford's messages could be brought directly to
the doorsteps of the people.
Now from all the above, was Rutherford really interested in removing
"creature worship"? What do you think?
* http://www.elihubooks.com.
a furuli-book /-booklet in defense of the wts 607-chronology seems to have been canceled.
for months the webiste has been announcing it as a forthcoming title from elihu books.
Here is the announcement that used to be on that page:
"UNTITLED; SUBJECT: The Fall of Babylon and the Times of the Gentiles: A Review of the Traditional Chronology, by Rolf Furuli.
Details for this publication will be made available, soon."
I would have bought this book if it came out.
So, I am sure, would have AlanF and Carl Jonnson.
to be published in january 2002:.
"the ancient future" by firpo w. carr.
paperback (january 2002) .
To be published in January 2002:
"The Ancient Future" by Firpo W. Carr
Paperback (January 2002)
Scholartechnological; ISBN: 9993065668
Amazon.com Price: $14.95
No info about what this book is about, but the title
is intriguing!
while surfing the net, i came upon this annoucement.. a seminar on biblical greek to be taught by dr. firpo carr!!!.
who wants to sign up?.
< http://www.stirinc.org/seminar.htm.
Bringing this to the top because I want to ask people in general,
and Kent in particular, if they have any additional information
about Firpo Carr.
perhaps this has already been talked about on the massive.
wt un ngo thread, but.... can someone get a photocopy of the original ngo membership.
application the watchtower filled out?.
Perhaps this has already been talked about on the massive
WT UN NGO thread, but...
Can someone get a photocopy of the ORIGINAL NGO membership
application the Watchtower filled out?
The signature of a GB member on the form would be something
elders would be hard pressed to dismiss when the topic is
brought up.
Of course, one should never underestimate the rationalization
that true "Watchtower Men" elders can perform on a moment's