A hoax is something deliberate, a deliberate deception. I don't think Steven hawking meant to deceive. He was mistaken.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
Finally some good news for JWs from science!
by Pinku innow jws can ask: what is the big deal about bringing changes in teaching!
did not such a great scientist, stephen hawking, create ripples by saying that his most famous discovery of black holes did not actually exist, after all?
and hawking is only a tip of the ice-berg!
18 Year Old JW Getting Married To Young JW To Do The Right Thing
by minimus ina friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she goes to school with a girl who is a witness and she has confided to her that she feels the need to marry this guy because simply dating isn't right.
when i explained that they are under pressure because they must not commit fornication, she laughed and said, "oh they do that all right"...it makes me aware of how so many jws are nominally in the religion but do what they want in the end while trying to keep the elders off their back.
Julia Orwell
They're just trying to survive in the topsy turvy world that's been forced upon them. You know, doing normal kid things but having to sneak around. Actually, the cult pressure they are under forces them to act out more than normal kids. I don't blame them.
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Julia Orwell
Looks like when grandpa has a bit too much to drink at Christmas and embarrasses the grandkids.Just an unco old man having a dance, no bad tendency there. No one would even care except he's a cult leader. He's just mingling with his followers, give them something to oooh and ahhh over on seeing how "humble" and "like us" he is.
by NoMoreHustle inwhile sitting through a dreadful meeting today, while staring into space, i wondered what is next for jw's now that the "greatest preaching campaign" in the history of mankind is over.
what is everyone gonna be obsessed with now?
who knows maybe the annual meeting?
Julia Orwell
Like it has been stated here before, the campaign and every other one is just about keeping them busy. Everyone knows that if you have a bunch of bored children, soon they will start running around and wrecking things. So you give em games and activities to keep them occupied. Busy work. Tract and leaflet campaigns are gb busy work.
The org should stump up for Ashya King's treatment
by Mickey mouse inall the jws on my facebook news feed are defending the family vigorously and rightly so imo.
if the watchtower had any sense they would step up and offer to pay for ashya's treatment.
that would do far more for their profile than their website publicity campaign.
Julia Orwell
That's actually a good idea. They would convince people with actions more than with a website.
My Story: from JW Elder to Born Again Christian to Agnostic
by passwordprotected ini first posted here on 3rd june 2008. at the time i was an elder, appointed the previous october, i was 36 and i was a born-in.
at the time i'd become disillusioned with the society due to the governing body's letter explaining why the book study in private homes was being abolished.
april 2008 saw me start questioning this decision, privately of course, and this eventually led me to this site, to jwfacts and to many youtube videos, all of which began to errode my faith in the leaders of the organisation.. in july 2008, having discussed my doubts with my wife, i attended the district convention, deciding to give the society one last chance to convince me it was the truth.
Julia Orwell
Wow I can so relate to all that, especially the peace that comes from not knowing and furthermore not being expected to know. Jw religion gave us a set of answers, but never actually the right questions, which is far more important. Not knowing takes away the pressure to force others to know what you know, and unites you with the vast percentage of humanity who don't know. Not knowing opens up endless opportunities to find out and explore and grow.
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
Julia Orwell
Guys it's the end of the month. This guy just got his hours in.
New idol replaces golden calf in WT comic book.
by Wasanelder Once inwell, what do you think?.
Julia Orwell
So true. Wearing a cross is idolatrous but covering yourself and your car in a religious logo is not.
Could Amish convictions for hate crimes against "Apostates" open way for convictions of Jehovah's Witnesses ?
by Balaamsass2 intodays wall street journal:.
amish beard-cutting convictions reversedbymark peters and caroline porterconnect aug. 27, 2014 10:23 p.m. et .
samuel mullet sr. at his ohio home in 2011. his lawyer says mr. mullet is 'happy' with wednesday's ruling.
Julia Orwell
Gosh by that definition then why are the westboro Baptists still running around spreading their hate?
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-31-2014 WT Study (FULL POTENTIAL)
by blondie inwt publications http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm (old).
united nations http://www.randytv.com/secret/unitednations.htm.
newly baptized brothers (not sisters) because the wts needs men to reach out.
Julia Orwell
Yay!! Good to see your comments again. Tell me, is this the simplified watchtower? It reads as of written for 9 year olds.