Dear Faithful -
Please consider your own words on this matter:
Unless they can be more respectful to me, I don't see why I should continue to study with them. I have no intention of ever becoming a JW, and I know that cultBgone is correct. They are not doing me any good, but really just wasting my time, as I spin my wheels.
The lies and insults can be saved for someone else. I don't know what I am going to say yet, but I realize that I do have to get myself out of this situation, after reading my own description of what is happening here. When she confirms our appointment, I am going to make sure and tell her that I need to keep it to less than 90 minutes this time. I need to grow a backbone, between now and next Friday. I really am not sure why I agreed to let Miss K into my home, but now that I see how it is going to go, I have changed my mind.
I think I just need to be firm and honest with them. My time and my own sanity have more value than this. I almost wish that I didn't have to wait a week for her to come back, so I can get this over with. I'm guessing that the length of time between BS sessions, is all part of the process. They don't want to come back while you are still "hot." They wait until you cool off and allow it all to start over again. The day AFTER the BS session, is the most full of awareness of what just happened, at least for me.
Several well-meaning people have suggest how to "handle" them next time and you now appear to be ready for another go at it. Please don't be such a people-pleaser that you continually allow others to direct your life! Because, dear one, that makes you Prime jw Material. They look for followers who will bend to their will, and the longer you continue this charade with them, the more danger there is that you will begin to believe their nonsense. Make no mistake, this is how they work!
Please stop listening to suggestions as to "how" you should control the "next" study brainwashing session. A lovely polite No More, Thank You, and Please Don't Come Back as I Have No Interest in Becoming a jw But I Was Just Leading You On in an Attempt to Get You Out of the Cultwill allow you to get on with YOUR Real Life. Just Call Them and Cancel Forever. You don't owe an explanation as YOUR LIFE IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! You don't owe them another meeting in your home. No more drama. Just Say NO. Do NOT let them talk you into one more meeting. Be kind to yourself and find something more upbuilding to do with your time. End this now, for your own sake.
With much Love and (((hugs))), cBg