Joe, the worst possible outcome for a sex abuse victim is to be re-victimized. The elders re-victimize the victim by forcing (usually) her to recount every horrible detail to them. Then they tell her and her family to "not talk" about it to anyone, which is also shaming behavior. Then in some cases she is forced to be-re-re-victimized and confront her rapist/abuser because that's the "only" way he will be df'd. Statistics have nothing to do with judging which religion to pick, if you should want one. The point about wt abuse is that it protects the abusers. Period.
A religion that boasts of being god's only true channel can only prove that by being BETTER THAN ALL THE OTHERS. Yet in dealing with this heinous criminal activity, they are much worse than many.
The only thing jws/wts/the gb are better at than all the others is running a pseudo-religious con game.