They don't really want "evil" ones to return, they want to frighten everyone else not to leave.
In their minds --- spiritual death. Akin to being stoned.
caught it on an advert for the program .... "shunning is the new testament version of stoning.".
They don't really want "evil" ones to return, they want to frighten everyone else not to leave.
In their minds --- spiritual death. Akin to being stoned.
likely everyone here is familar with the novel "1984" - "he who controls the past, controls the future.
he who controls the present, controls the past".. take a look at, insight book, topic "faithful and discreet slave".. current online wording:
jesus trained the apostles for the role they would have after pentecost 33 c.e.
I unexpectedly find myself sad that I tossed all the old books....I soooo wish I had them now to use as proof of rewrites. The one above is just one of many.
can you imagine what this world would be like today , with 7 billion people , if their were never , ever a religous concept in anybodys mind ?.
wouldnt this world be such a better place to be in if it was devoid of all religion ?.
if religion never existed from the time man/woman first walked the earth until now how do you see , pros or cons , how humakind would fare today.. as i said in my o.p.
Religion is nothing more than the biggest power tool man has invented. If men didn't feel the need to be in control of others and wield power over them, we would not have seen organized religion.
People have a natural inclination to appreciate nature and the elements, but when it goes too extremes even that becomes "my sun god is better than yours".
The desire to have inordinate power is the problem, and religion is the easiest way to gain that power.
If there was no religion, it would just be some other power tool.
today i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.'s the point:
IF jws are, as they call themselves, "Christians", then they will demonstrate their spirituality by following And Acting Like Jesus the christ.
Jesus never said to turn in reports but to share your joyful stories together. Spirituality is NOT measured by numbers on a report. It is measured by the Love you show for fellow humans.
Remember: this is a cult technique used by a cult to control people. Time reports are not a reflection of spiritual activity---they are a measure of cult activity and show one's obedience to cult doctrine.
It is unkind to beat people who are being abused, why are you defending the cult? Perhaps you should start a different thread on your subject.
as the name says, i'm back for more.
i used to be fairly active on here but have been away for years and am back for more.. first, a bit about me.
i'm a 36 year old man.
As Searcher said:
Don't try and turn loved one's heads with a baseball bat - use a feather duster.
I was in a state of shock when I discovered for MYSELF the lies about Memorial partakers. If someone else had HIT me with that info, I would have closed my mind and ears immediately!
There's another recent post (which I would search for now but need to leave for work, sorry) in which the poster explains how he shared with a dear friend that he LOVES the jws, yet he has real trouble with the doctrines about blood (wt changed stance after many died), the un thing (big lie), etc etc.
The dear friend was able to take it all in because it was Non-emotional.
In that sense, and knowing that we all share your feelings about lives advice is to "script" an approach that refrains from bashing yet reveals ttatt gently. Use the Feather Duster...more flies with Honey and all that.
Best wishes and welcome back!
one of the parts had a skit with 3 or 4 young brothers playing a game of "what i will look forward to in the new system".
one wanted a house by the beach.
one wanted a house in the forest.
My favorite scenario...
Let's say the wife of 40 years dies of cancer. She pio'd and was loved my many. Hubby an elder who bent the rules for his own benefit but seen as Good Ol Boy nice guy. Hubby remarries within a few short months.
"Armageddon"...resurrections...dead wife now back. How is she gonna deal with living forever watching her hubby with another woman?
Sure sounds like paradise...or...maybe not.
recently a jw friend that my wife & i knew 3 years ago added me on facebook, after i accepted the request she invited me to a dinner that her and her husband are holding next month.. i imagined that she was unaware of our apostasy, so i declined the invitation on the basis of not wanting to ruin her dinner after the rest of her guests fled at our presence.. i'm never sure how old friends will react when i tell them that i'm no longer a jw.. usually their response is "..... permanent-silence......".
her response went something like this, " we are all out!
everyone that is coming is out we all look forward to seeing you guys so much" it turns out that there will be 6 people at the dinner all friends of ours from a congregation that we attended a few years back.. they have all left the organization recently.. pretty crazy experience..
How very cool! Enjoy it for all the rest of us too!!!
i just spent 30 minutes writing this story and lost it all before i hit submit.
i'll try to be brief.. last night a former co-worker of my wife's called saying he was on his way to the house to drop off a job he would like her to do.
we haven't seen him in over 8 years.
It's so sad, I think many jws would run from the org if they actually knew the truth about the truth, because most jws are really decent, good-hearted people. Really like how you handled your conversation, let's all hope that he allows his heart and mind to be opened to the deception and the real truth.
in 1922 some farmers in taoyuan county, hunan province, china, dug up a beautiful cast bronze vessel with a lid.
the farmer's son took the lid to school to ask his teacher what it was.
the teacher saw that it was something wonderful and raked up 800 silver dollars to buy it.
i obviously need to find some decent Chinese artifacts at a garage sale...
one of the parts had a skit with 3 or 4 young brothers playing a game of "what i will look forward to in the new system".
one wanted a house by the beach.
one wanted a house in the forest.
Wisdom, you are so correct. It IS weird that the gb/wts teaches people to WAIT on materialism and WAIT on normal sexual relations...and then say it's okay later, but only when we tell you it's okay.
Cheezuswhiz. They are some kind of crazy.