Simon is right. anyone hacking the site would only serve to prove their persecution.
Better to go after their shunning and pedophile-protecting policies in the media and legal systems.
i really don't know anything about what hackers do..
in the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network.
hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge or enjoyment.
Simon is right. anyone hacking the site would only serve to prove their persecution.
Better to go after their shunning and pedophile-protecting policies in the media and legal systems.
the loneliest place on the planet for me was the kingdom hall.
What a horrible pain to share. Skeeter...amen.
don't know quite what to say.
just stunned at the news.
comic genius and actor.. share your favorite robin williams moments.. .
So so sad. Feels like I've lost a dear friend.
since i kicked up a fight regarding shunning at my local supermarket, i am still angry.
because, only this morning i received a look of contempt from one of my ex-friends/sister.. i really feel like telling her what i think of her behaviour but i guess that would only enforce the "persecution complex"!!!!.
just venting.
Blondie and Julia are spot on. Remember, the way you choose to interpret their "looks" and the way you react is a CHOICE. Please CHOOSE to be happy and don't allow their petty, hateful attitude to define your personality! YOU define yourself. YOU are not dependent on the attitudes or responses of others. YOU are a wonderful person just becauses you ARE. can always put this on a tshirt:
good morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
DoT, thanks for the link but the tv app isn't carrying CNN's US broadcast so I'm really hoping someone will post this to YouTube!
Not only do I want to watch it but I'd like to post the link on fb.
good morning brothers and sisters, remember to watch john walsh interview our brothers and sisters about brother mclean from oregon, the most wanted pedophile and top ten fbi's list of perps!
have a nice day, be cool!.
can you help bump this topic until the show is over, we have large amounts of vistors coming, seeking help and direction.
Do you know if it's possible to watch this online? We don't have cable...
we are going to edinburgh today to see what's going at the festival, go out for a meal and probably see a show.. i have made up some cards with the logo to hand to jws on the trolleys.
there is nothing on the cards part from the logo.
ttatt is only a click away..
Happy Anniversary to Cofty and the Missus!
in the last year or so, many bible passages that i used to strongly and confidently apply to non-jws, began to seem to apply to jws.
this change in my thinking was shocking and disturbing.
i can best describe the feeling by comparing it to the feeling i got in 1981 when i watched the movie dead and buried starring james farentino.. in that movie there are murders committed in a small town by dead people reanimated by a doctor doing experiments.
It's the technique of Projection. Abusive, controlling manipulators use it to accuse others of the horrible acts they are actually committing themselves. It's a huge mind game. The gb accuses others of committing their sins while hiding the same from members. That way "the others" are always in the wrong. You have to be out from under that control to recognize what's happening and I think something negative has to affect you personally for that to happen. Once the blinders come off, we all start to feel stupid that we didn't see what was right in front of us all the time. But you can't see it when you're being mind-controlled by ridiculous amounts of "read-watch-listen as we command" because your brain is overwhelmed/burdened by all the doctrinal baggage and rules. Hitler also used this method to great success for a time...
in doing some research, i recently ran across a september 1, 2000 wt article that contained a brother's testimony about his years of service in the organization.. he said, "as we arrived for the meeting one sunday in 1938, two elderly sisters greeted us, and one said: `young brother, have you taken your stand for jehovah yet?
you know, armageddon is just around the corner!
' i knew that jehovah is the only true god, and i was convinced that this is his organization.
Thanks for the chart!
well - i had been wanting to do this for a long time , to question a legal department representative at bethel about the child abuse settlements and jw child abuse, since last year when the news came out about it.
especially since my dad , an elder for years was never aware of it and has on his own taken steps to see that families with children are informed if a former pedophile is in their congregation.
i was curious as to what the current views and policies in place are .
Thanks for bringing this back, Flipper. Many new ones or lurkers are still not aware of the extent of the child abuse coverup by jws. This story cannot be repeated enough!