JoinedPosts by cultBgone
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
Today's Website Ad:
by cultBgone ini've gotten used to the almost daily offers to get your pastoral degree now but this one just make me laugh.
make phil rich by joining his slice a loaf gang.... if people spent their time and energy investing in their family and other relationships in this life, rather than spending their 70 years focused on a pretend-future, imagine how much better the earth would be...all the people living life in peace... .
(sorry, tried to downsize the banner but not having success with that.
I've gotten used to the almost daily offers to Get Your Pastoral Degree Now but this one just make me laugh. Make Phil rich by joining his Slice A Loaf gang...
If people spent their time and energy investing in their family and other relationships in THIS life, rather than spending their 70 years focused on a pretend-future, IMAGINE how much better the earth would be...all the people living life in peace...
(Sorry, tried to downsize the banner but not having success with that.)
Publisher Statistics
by lurkernomore ini was watching a couple videos on youtube earlier and always like to peruse the comments at the bottom of the page.. i'm no sure if this has been discussed recently, but one indivdual made the claim that the societies numbers are massively over inflated, as he/she believes that they include inactive, df'd and da'd in their figures.. does anyone have any information to confirm this or i this just another assumption made without evidence?.
(also has anyone heard from witnessmyfury lately?
i had a pm chat with him a few days ago but not had a reply to my latest msgs.
So the myriad of faders is included along with baby doorbell-ringers. It's the only way they could be as large as they claim.
"We're calling on your neighbours to promote a website"
by Simon inwow, it's true - they don't call to 'promote god's kingdom' anymore but just their website!.
we just had an old lady call and tell us that was exactly what they were doing and it has "lots of good things on their for children".
yeah, right ... sparlock?.
No, Pizt, Algore invented algorithms! Sorry, couldn't stop myself...
A new name for jws....."Jehovah's Twitnesses"
by stuckinarut2 inas i was writing a comment in another thread, my auto correct on my tablet changed 'witnesses' to 'twit nesses'.
i lost it laughing!.
even my tablet knows the truth about the truth!.
by steve2 inthe us kingdom ministry shows the collective total 2014 memorial attendances of the countries that now comprise the us territory in 2014: 2,610,810.. those countries are: the usa, bermuda, jamaica, turks and caicos and puerto rico.. the same collective total for those same countries three years ago - 2011 - was 2,666,592.. that's a decrease of 55,782 from 2011 to 2014. i am happified.. while there has been the occasional year in which memorial attendances from one year to the next have shown decrease, this is a first: decline evident over a three-year period.. comments please!.
anyone have the know how on how to provide the link for the kingdom ministry download?
I am proud to say that I am helping the decline...haven't been in two years!
Are You Ready to Face a Faith-Challenging Preaching Situation? Too Funny
by Watchtower-Free inposted to the facebook meme group.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
This is a must-save! Too funny, thanks for sharing it!
My latest blog: Fat People, Mickey Mouse and Birthdays
by daringhart13 in .
always open to some criticism ;).
You knew you were in for it financially when the really overweight brother giving the talk brought his entire hungry family along, and you and one impoverished couple were stuck taking them out to a restaurant for hospitality because everyone else in your "service" group had "plans". And they always, always all ordered soda not free water, plus desserts. Talk about taking advantage!
Those folks put L O V E to the test.
The Circuit Overseer Visit
by garyneal inlast week, the circuit overseer came to visit my wifes congregation and as usual their patterns change somewhat during this week.
from my perspective, the meetings are held on tuesday and thursday instead of the normal wednesday night during this week and they are more eager to go out in field service.
sunday came and my wife wanted us to attend the meeting.
But 99.999% of jdubs don't know about the NGO "wt scandal"...and if you told them, the pat answer would surely be, "Oh, but they stopped when they realized it was wrong, just like they stopped celebrating christmas."
Their minds are so warped and washed and wadded up...the poor dears have lost all ability to T H I N K. Don't expect them to R E A S O N too.
That's why it's like a miracle when anyone leaves....and why we continue to try to reach them.
It's nice that you can openly share ttatt with your it helping?
its crazy funny stupid how they are.
by Crazyguy ini ran in to an old friend this morning and was talking about the push this month.
he said he thinks this is it, that so many books are flying off the carts and so many requests for bible studies being made now with so many seeing the website address and he talked about someone not being supported by the borg going to africa and this person has found so much interest.
they really do believe and are easily led, and forget bow many times in the past they were fooled their crazy..
They ALWAYS find some ridiculous reason to claim "armageddon is coming soooooooooon!"
What a waste of so many lives. Let's help to get more OUT!