Apog...if the US govt passed a law that everyone must display the US flag on July 4 each year, do you honestly think every kingdumb hall would have one without protest? Seriously? No one is saying it's flag worship, but just the act of deliberately displaying a country's flag to celebrate or honor a specific occasion goes absolutely contrary to everything we were taught while in the clutches of the bOrg.
JoinedPosts by cultBgone
Chile and the flag: It's true!! Undeniable evidence!!
by ILoveTTATT injoe, sorry, you'll have to eat some humble pie.. .
thank you so much for the poster on extj.com who sent these pics!!
can't have been better!!.
I've lurked a long time: JW's produce some of the most paranoid humans
by Unlearn ini'll keep this brief for now.. long time lurker (4 years or so).. born-in, elder, used on district level (last talk i gave before i left was the baptisimal talk), and lots of hard time put in...before i finally made the move to split.
it's a long stoy, much like many of yours...but with it's own little interesting twists.
more details in the future, perhaps.. as i said, ive lurked here for a while.. its funny: for a long time i'd only come on late at night.
Wonderful thread, thanks for bringing it back.
Who was the Gilead Student that jumped overboard?
by VM44 ina gilead student from thailand.
a young thai girl who came to new york to attend the gilead school in upstate south lansing, new york, had a mental breakdown.
staff members pleaded with president knorr to send her home by plane, under supervision.
Someone in the UK is selling her book if you really want a copy:
Debating JW's
by will brooks inhi,.
i'm new in this forum and it seems from a quick recce that jw's give this site a miss?
is there a site that jw's use - other than their official one which is restricted to active jw's?.
Hi Will Brooks - truth be told, only mean-spirited jws come here to vent their venom and exercise their name-calling tactics. Many active jws post here in thoughtful discussions, and many who have found the jw religion not to their liking post here as well. You will find freeness of speech on this site and lots of different opinions, but that's what makes JWN a great community.
Oh my God, I knew it!!!
by Crazyguy ini am a big fan of the group 30 seconds to mars, and whats amazing is many of their songs seem to have a anti cult theme like "huricane" "up in the air" and others.
so after i watched a video of the song huricane, so i could see the lyrics i googled to see if they, the lead singer jared leto and his brother shannon, were former jw's and yes they were.
crazy small world!!!!.
Saving this
Where does all the money go?
by Coded Logic insome recent posts on this site have really got me thinking.
the kingdom halls are all paid for by their congregations - as are the assemblies and the conventions (none of it comes out of the wtbts pocket).
every single assembly and convention i have ever been to there is always a surplus of money that is sent back to the society.
Best comment I've read lately:
Simon sez It must all add up but I suspect the higher ups also set things aside for their own retirement ... they are not trusting their final days to the arrival of Armeggadon because they know they made that shit up.
Thanks, Simon.
Bug out bags?
by SpeedRacer inmy son sees his grandparents who are active jw's and has told me that they now have bugout bags by the door by direction of the society.
my question is, if s*&t hits the fan where are they bugging too?
everybody meeting at the hall?
In Florida the annual scarefest is always tied to hurricane season. But most Floridians are smart enough to keep water and non-perishable food and watertight bags of IDs anyway so it's redundant. My favorite thing is them sending out emergency contact lists so they can "find" you in a disaster (even when you're inactive by choice) because the first people you want to "find" you are the eldubs? Ahhh, No Thank You.
bull poop
by snare&racket inglad to see the forum is going strong, lots of new names and stories......and it has only been a couple of months!.
the wt really has no chance in such a world of free and accessible information.
keep fighting guys, the freedom once you are loose of the governing body is awesome, you will be amazed how long you ignored the stench off bullshit as your ability to smell it returns.. and on that note ;) x. .
Divorcing my husband of 13 years...
by 2pink inmy husband and i were both born ins.
i left in 2009, and he followed me out a bit later.
we were one of those couples who followed the script, married young and ended up having nothing in common other than the religion.
Pink, Frazzled said it well. Ignore the ones telling you otherwise. Women know when enough is enough and obviously you've hit that mark.
The courts will be on your side as the caregiver and mom. Try not to panic...as you well know, every new major life change is challenging but you are obviously strong enough for the task ahead!
Feel free to PM anytime you need encouragement. (((((2pink)))))
How Often Do You Come To JWN? How Often Do You Post?
by minimus indo you check this site, daily?.
do you post very much?.
It used to be like an addiction...had to get my multiple daily hits of JWN. Now, it's hit or miss...I'll skip days and days and sometimes I scan the topics but don't read much. I'm over the exjw anger and now this site is more like dropping in at the local coffee shop. Nice to see friends but don't always need coffee.