3) There is absolutely NO reason to own an assault rifle, unless you live on the Mexican border on a ranch or are military/law enforcement. Too many people own them for the FUN factor which really gets my blood boiling. No firearm is a toy - get a paintball gun if that's your motive for wanting one. Shooting should be enjoyable but the reason for owning a firearm should not be for FUN or to be COOL. Nowhere near enough owners take the responsibility seriously enough. Ban assault rifles - period. Go to a firing range that offers them to shoot if you insist on having fun with one.
4) Want a handgun? revolvers only. Why? even with speed loaders, it takes a lot longer to reload a revolver than a semi-auto pistol and max of 9 rounds can be fed (.22)
5) Shotguns with five round capacity and hunting rifles with three round capacity only. If you can't bag your quarry in 5/3 shots you have no business holding a firearm let alone owning one.
6) Anyone applying to purchase a firearm must undergo strict training followed by both live fire exams. You only get two chances at it. A system should be in place where a firearm safety inspector can visit your residence and make sure you have a certified safe installed prior to being able to collect your firearm. He should also pay random visits on firearm owners to make sure all safety rules and laws are being adhered to. Levy a special tax on ammo purchases to pay for these inspectors. I'll happily cough up if it means cuttimg the number of reckless, neglegent firearm owners out there.
7) Punishment for violations are an absolute joke. If you are found to be criminally neglegent, immediate confiscation of all firearms, banning of purchasimg or handling firearms and community service - at ERs if possible (yes that's a bit of a push bu it would be hreat if morons got a taste of the reality of gun shot trauma).
8) If a child or someone not registered to the weapon in question shoots someone whether accidently or purposely, the owner gets a mandatory felony charge and sentence comparable to 1st degree manslaughter.
Thanks, SSC